~Chapter 22~ ~Fire~

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The autumn wind became colder. I walked over to the swing beside Kai, and sat down on it. Kai noticed I was there a few seconds later. "So, why'd you tell me to come here?" I asked while kicking my feet on the wood chips to make the swing swing. "Well, you know the book I was reading?" Kai asked, I nodded. Kai sighed. "Your ancestor is Avery Alor, and you have powers, and my grandma wants to teach you how to use them, and help you figure them out." Kai explained. I was silent. OMG, THIS IS AMAZING! What great timing. I WANT COOL POWERS! PLEASE LET ME HAVE COOL POWERS! "Uhm... Miko, are you okay?" Kai asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Yes, yes, I'm fine, so when does she want to start teaching me?" I asked. "Tomorrow, after school." Kai said.

I nodded. "Well, she wants to help you figure out your powers tomorrow, then once that's done, she'll help you use them." Kai added. I nodded. "Well, you can go back home now, that was all I wanted to tell you." Kai said after a short moment of silence. "Could you walk with me?" I asked. Kai laughed a little while nodding. We hopped off the swings and walked away from the park. We were laughing, and talking about random things that came into our minds. We heard some loud sirens, and saw three fire trucks, and one ambulance quickly driving over to the street my house is on. I started to smell smoke. "Do you smell that?" I worriedly asked Kai. "Yeah... That's odd." Kai and I looked over at each other. We were both thinking the same thing: run. In a matter of seconds, the both of us started running over to my house. What's going on? Are mom and dad okay? Is my house on fire? Is another house on fire? After about five minutes of running, we finally made it to my house. Fire. It was all on fire. My house was on fire, there were firefighters running inside, one that was ordering others to do things, and some that were trying to put the fire out. I saw some nurses that were getting their first aid kits. I felt paralyzed at the scene. I saw two firefighters, walking out of my house, they were dragging my parents out.

I wanted to run, to scream, to help, but I move or say anything. I felt a hand being placed onto my shoulder. "Miko, are you okay?" I heard Kai ask. No, no, no, no, they're fine. This is just a dream. No, a nightmare. Why is this happening? Why's it happening to me? I fell onto my knees. A warm familiar liquid rolled down my face: tears. I couldn't control them. I was crying uncontrollably. Kai hugged me. If I stayed here, I would've burned with them. If only I had stayed here. I felt someone place a jacket around my sobbing body. I heard muffled speaking around me. Kai's arms loosened up around me. A few hours passed, and I was now in the ambulance, being driven over to the hospital. Kai was beside me. I stopped crying by now because I couldn't feel any more tears left in me. I still felt like crying though. I spent hours in the hospital with Kai sitting beside me, comforting me. His grandma was called a few minutes after, and she was talking with the nurses. I sat there, waiting to know if they were okay. Every second felt like an hour to me. Kai walked over to one of the vending machines, and bought the both of us some chips and juice. It was around two in the morning by now. There was no way we were going to school in the morning. It was the least of my worries anyways. I weakly thanked Kai for the food and juice when he gave them to me.

Kai nodded in response. "Hey, are you gonna be okay?" Kai worriedly asked as I opened my bag of chips. I paused and looked down at the ground. "I honestly don't know." I muttered. "It'll be okay... If they do die, do you have any relatives that could take you in?" Kai asked, saying the word 'die' quieter than the other words. "Yeah, but none of them live in Canada, and none of them really like me." I sighed. Kai opened his mouth to say something, but his grandma came into the waiting room before he could say anything. Two nurses came into the waiting room behind her. They all looked so sad. "They're dead, aren't they?" I asked, dreading to know the answer. "I am so sorry for your loss." one of the nurses said while looking straight at me. I didn't speak, or move. I felt like I couldn't breathe, and that my heart was on fire. Memories of my parents and I were flooding my head. I had never felt this broken before. I doubt anything else could make me feel this broken. Why did they have to die? They did nothing wrong. What if I was there with them? Would things change? Kai stood up, grabbed my hand, and took me somewhere else. As we were walking, I was starting to feel dizzy from holding my breath for so long. Kai noticed, and had us sit down on a nearby bench. I felt the tears form again. I just let them fall. I must've looked dead inside.

Kai stayed silent in front of me. "Can you heal feelings?" I asked out of nowhere. "No, I'm sorry." Kai whispered after a little pause. I looked up from the ground and saw Hunter and Aria floating behind Kai. Wait, they'll be ghosts. I could see them again. My eyes widened. Wait, the purple book, it was still inside. Did it burn? I noticed Hunter holding something. Once he saw I was looking at it, he held what he was holding up so I could see it. It was the purple book. There were a few burn marks on it, but other than that it was perfectly fine. At least one thing I care about is fine, I thought to myself. Kai noticed I was looking at something behind him, so he turned his head around to look behind him. None of us talked. He probably only sees a floating book. He's probably so confused right now. What's he gonna say? What's he thinking? "You're looking at ghosts, right?" Kai asked while looking back at me. How does he know? Can he see them too? No, he'll only be able to see them if they allow themselves to be visible to him. I reminded myself. I didn't want to lie to Kai, so I silently nodded. "They're common to see in Alor Village." Kai informed me. I saw Aria gently facepalming herself. "How could I forget?" I heard her ask herself. Aria started floating over to Kai and I. She placed a hand on Kai's shoulder causing Kai to turn around. "Hey, my name's Aria, you're Kai, right?" Aria asked. "Yeah, wait... Aria? As in Aria Vanderbilt?" Kai asked, sounding both excited and shocked.

"Yes... how do you know my last name?" Aria asked, sounding suspicious. "You know Alor Village?" Kai asked. Aria nodded. "I've been there once when I was little." Aria said. "Well, after you died, your parents, the king and queen, hired some people to build a statue in your honour." Kai explained. "I have my own statue? Is it beautiful? How tall is it? Did they put it in the museum?" Aria continued asking Kai loads of questions. I noticed Hunter floating over to me. "Hey, you okay?" he asked in a whisper. "I don't know. What am I gonna do? Where am I gonna go?" I asked, whispering back to Hunter. "Maybe my family could take you in." Hunter said. "They wouldn't. Today was my first time meeting them, and we didn't even have a proper conversation." I muttered. Aria and Kai finished talking now, and turned their attention to Hunter and I. "Miko, my grandma might be able to take you in. Only if you want." Kai suggested. My eyes widened. I knew Kai's grandma way better than I knew Hunter's parents. The fact that Kai's grandma also wants to help me figure out what my powers are, could mean that she would want to meet up a lot. If I lived at Kai's house, then his grandma could have an easier time teaching me, since I would already be there. "Okay, but only if your family is okay with it." I said while looking up from the floor at Kai, Aria, and Hunter.

The second I said that, Kai's grandma came running into the room with some nurses running behind her. I turned around, but couldn't see Hunter and Aria anymore. They must've made themselves invisible to all of us, I thought to myself. "Miko, I offer you to live at my house." she said while running up to me and kneeling down in front of me. "Okay, thank you, Alexandra." I said, thankful that I wouldn't go to an orphanage. "It's really late, you two won't go to school tomorrow. C'mon we should head home now." Kai's grandma held out her hand for me to take, and I gladly took it. We walked out of the hospital after going over to the room my parents were in, so I could see them one last time. As we were leaving, I noticed Kai holding the purple book in his hands while we were walking to his grandma's car. Alexandra started the car, and drove to her house. I looked at the hospital as she drove away. I thought of the vision I had, with my house on fire. I knew my parents would die, but I just ignored it. What if I stayed at home? Would I be dead too?

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