~Chapter 19~ ~Kayla's Birthday~

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Kai and I finished wrapping Kayla's gifts, and were heading back to his house. I went with him, so I could help him and his grandma decorate their house for Kayla's birthday. This is the first time I've been to Kai's house, and it's also my first time meeting his grandma. Kai and I had Kayla's gifts wrapped up and in two separate bags. I was holding the bag with the hippo stuffed animal in it, while Kai was holding the bag with the piano in it. Kai reached into his pocket and pulled out his house keys when we were standing in front of his house. I noticed that his house was huge, it was a mansion. He unlocked the door and we walked inside, trying to be very quiet so Kayla wouldn't know we're inside.

We were greeted by a woman with long wavy black hair, hazel eyes, dark blue cargo pants, and a black sweater. That's Kai's grandma? To be honest, she kinda looks more like an aunt. She smiled once she saw us, and walked over to us. "So this is the famous Miko Alor." she exclaimed in a soft voice. "My name is Alexandra, and I'm Kayla and Kai's grandmother." she held her hand out for me to shake it. I grabbed her hand, and shook it. She let go of my hand. "Kai, show Miko where the decorations are, and start decorating the house. I'll take care of the presents and food." Alexandra ordered. "Alright, Miko, follow me." Kai said while walking over to a door. I followed behind him. Kai opened the door and walked down the stairs. Guess this is their basement. Kai flipped a switch when we were at the bottom of the stairs, causing the lights to turn on. I looked around. There was a huge painting of a boat on water with a black border around the painting, two grey sofas with fluffy grey pillows on both of them. There was also a huge TV. I looked around and saw a few bags huddled together in a corner. Kai walked over beside me. "Those bags are filled with the decorations for Kayla's birthday." Kai explained.

I nodded. "What's the theme?" I asked while walking over to the bags. "Music and animals, she wanted to have a party with two of her favourite things." Kai explained. I nodded while opening one of the bags. It was filled with streamers with animal cutouts on the bottom of them. There were also some paper plates with instruments imprinted around them. "Where's Kayla?" I asked, worried that she might come down to the basement. "She's at her friend's house. Her friend gave us the gift she got for Kayla, so Kayla wouldn't find it while they're hanging out." Kai explained while walking over to sit beside me on the floor. Kai grabbed another bag and opened it up. I peeked in the bag he was holding and saw a banner saying, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAYLA" With all the letters bolded and in different colours. "We should probably put the banner up first." I suggested while taking the banner out of the bag and raising it up. "Yeah, then we should set the table cloth." Kai said while grabbing a bag beside him. I noticed that there were two holes on two of the edges on the top of the banner. There was one silver ring in both holes. "We have these hook things on the wall where the banner will hang on." Kai said while pointing at one of the walls. I turned to look at the wall and saw two small white hooks spread away from each other on the wall Kai was pointing at. They were kind of high up. "How are we going to hang the banner if we can't reach it?" I asked. "We'll use chairs to reach." Kai said while walking over to two chairs.

I grabbed the banner and walked over to Kai. Kai took the right side of the banner and I took the left side. Kai already put two chairs under the two hooks, so we just stood on the one on our side. I stood on the one in front of me, while Kai stood on the one in front of him. We were able to reach up to the hooks and hang the banner on them with no trouble. Once the banner was hung on the hooks, we got off the chairs and walked over to the bag that had the table cloth in it. The table cloth had music notes scattered around. After what felt like a few hours, Kai and I managed to finish decorating the basement without any problems. The basement was now a mix of music and animal related decorations. Kai and I backed up to look at our work. The both of us were exhausted. "Is that perfect enough for you, Miko?" Kai asked. I sighed. "All I said was that the plates weren't evenly apart from each other, that the table cloth was a bit wrinkled, and that the chairs looked a bit off." I stated. Kai snorted. "You're such a perfectionist." Kai said. "Wanna go get something to eat?" Kai asked while pointing up the stairs. I nodded. "I'm starving." I stated as Kai started walking up the stairs. I followed behind him. Kai opened the door and we walked out of the basement. I closed the door behind me. "Are you kids done?" I looked up to see Kai's grandma washing the dishes.

"Yeah. Can we eat something?" Kai asked. Alexandra looked over at the dishes she was washing, then back at Kai and I. "There's ice cream in the freezer." she said. Kai nodded, walked over to the freezer and opened it. "Miko, do you want vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, or chocolate chip?" Kai asked. "Vanilla." I responded. Kai nodded a little and grabbed two ice cream cartons. One was vanilla while the other was strawberry. Kai placed the cartons on the counter, walked over to a cupboard, opened it and pulled out a box of waffle cones. Kai placed the box beside the cartons, then went to go get two ice cream scoopers. Kai glanced at Alexandra, then back at the ice cream scoopers in his hand. "Sure, ice cream scoopers aren't so hard to wash." Alexandra said. Kai nodded and opened up the carton with vanilla ice cream in it. Then opened the box of waffle cones, pulled two of them out and placed one of them on top of the box. He scooped some vanilla ice cream onto the cone, patted the ice cream down, then scooped more. He repeated that a few times then gave me the ice cream. "Thank you, Kai." I said while taking the ice cream out of his hand. "You're welcome." Kai said while dropping the ice cream scooper in the sink. Kai grabbed the other ice cream scooper, opened the carton with strawberry ice cream and started scooping ice cream in his cone. He scooped some strawberry ice cream in his cone, patted it down, then scooped more ice cream. He repeated that pattern for a bit.

I started eating my ice cream as Kai ate his. Kai's grandma finished washing the dishes a few minutes later and she decided to go take a nap. "Don't break anything while I'm asleep. Miko, make sure Kai doesn't break anything." she ordered. "Yes ma'am." I said while saluting. Alexandra chuckled and walked up stairs. "I'm not going to break anything." I heard Kai mutter. I turned to look at him, he was looking back at me. "All I did was break a plate yesterday," he said. "I just tripped." Kai looked down at the ground. "She was probably just joking." I said reassuringly. Kai looked at the time on his phone. "Kayla's gonna come back in about two hours." Kai said. "The only guests that are coming are her friends. She's already with one of her friends, so we just gotta wait for her other friends to come." Kai explained. I nodded. Kai smirked. "Are all these people going to scare you?" Kai asked. I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "How many times do I have to remind you that I'm not scared of people?" I asked. "A lot of times." Kai responded.

~1 hour later~

It's been an hour and a lot of people have come. Wow, Kayla has a lot of friends, I thought to myself. "Kai, is this everyone?" I asked Kai when the little boy he was speaking to gave him his present. "Nope, there's about five more kids that aren't here yet." and when Kai said that, the doorbell rang. "I'll be back." Kai said while giving me the sparkly golden bag the boy gave Kai. "Take this to the present table." Kai said while walking up the basement stairs. I walked past some people to get to the present table. I placed the bag next to a blue polka dotted box. Some more people walked down the stairs with gifts in their hands. Kai was the last one to walk all the way down the stairs. Kai walked over to me. "Kayla's friend's mom just texted my grandma saying that they'll be here in a few minutes with Kayla." Kai informed me. I nodded. "Could you open the door when they come?" Kai asked. "Of course." I said while nodding. Then as if it was on cue, the doorbell rang. Kai looked around at everyone. "It's them, go." Kai said while pushing me over to the stairs. I walked up the stairs and over to the front door. I opened the door to see Kayla and a tall woman with choppy blonde hair and a blue jacket, a white t-shirt, and jeans. Beside Kayla was a girl around the same height as her, she wore a pink dress with purple flowers embroidered in swirls on the dress.

Once Kayla saw me she smiled. "Miko! We went to the park, then got food, then went shopping, our stuff is in the car by the way." Kayla was speaking pretty fast, but I was able to understand what she was saying. "Wow, that sounds like fun." I said while crouching down and patting her head. Kayla hugged me, then started walking inside when she let go. She took her shoes off, and placed them near the garage door. Kayla's friend and her mom walked in the house, and I closed the door. "There's my favourite sister!" I turned around to see Kai hugging Kayla. "Kai, I'm your only sister." I heard Kayla say. "There's no competition." she continued. Kai laughed a little. "We have a surprise for you in the basement." Kai said. Kayla's eyes widened. "What are you waiting for? Let's go." Kayla said while pulling Kai and I to the basement. Once we reached the basement door, we walked down. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, KAYLA!" Everyone yelled once we reached the last step. Kayla squealed in happiness. Kayla's birthday party lasted about three hours. She loved all her gifts and hugged everyone after opening the gifts they got her. She loved the party too. I stayed for a bit when the party ended to help Kai and his grandma clean up. Once we finished cleaning I said goodbye to Kai, Kayla, and their grandma, then left, feeling exhausted and full from the birthday cake I had eaten.

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