~Chapter 18~ ~November~

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Kai and I have been friends for months now. I'm also friends with Hunter, Aria, and Zeltron now. Hunter and Aria told me stories about what happened before they died and how they know each other. Turns out Aria was royalty when she was alive, and Hunter worked at a bakery. Hunter was supposed to bake a dozen muffins for Aria's family and when Aria went to go get the muffins, she ended up talking with Hunter. They realised that they actually had some things in common. Like they found their lives a bit boring. Sadly, they still refuse to tell me why they both hate the other now though.

Anyways, Kai told me that Kayla's having a birthday party, and he asked if I could come. I asked my parents and they said I could, so I'm going shopping with Kai to find presents for her. I heard the doorbell ring. "Hello Kai, I'll go get Miko." I heard my Dad say. Hunter, Aria, and Zeltron are doing something, so they can't come with me. I heard the sound of someone walking up stairs, then a knock on my bedroom door. "Miko, Kai's here." Dad informed me. "I know, I just need to get my wallet." I said while looking around my room for my wallet. I opened my desk drawer and took my wallet out. The stars and full moon imprinted on it, made it sparkle in the sunlight that was peeking through my window. I put my wallet in my hoodie pocket, opened my bedroom door, and walked downstairs. I saw Kai sitting on one of the couches in the living room. I walked over to him once I reached the bottom of the stairs. He didn't notice I was there, so I decided to scare him. I slowly and quietly crept up behind him.

He still didn't notice me. Then when I was about to scare him, someone appeared behind me. Kai turned around and saw me, he looked a bit shocked, but not scared. I slowly turned around to see Mom wearing a goblin mask. I jumped. I wasn't expecting that, and it scared me a bit. Mom laughed and Kai joined her. Dad came into the room. "What's going on? Why are you two laughing?" he asked. "Miko's reaction to when I scared her." Mom said, laughing through her sentence. "Alright, kids you should hurry and get Kayla a gift now." Dad said, chuckling a bit. Kai got up from the couch while nodding. "Let's go, Miko." Kai said while walking over to the front door. I followed behind him. Kai opened the front door. "Bye Mr. and Mrs. Alor." Kai said while waving goodbye to my parents. "Bye Kai." I heard Mom and Dad say while I closed the door behind us. "Do you know what she wants?" I asked Kai. "She likes hippos, so let's look for something related to hippos." Kai replied. I nodded. We walked into a toy store and started searching for something to get for Kayla. "Let's split up, we'll be able to find something faster." I suggested. "Yeah, you go to the stuffed animal area, and I'll go to the toy area." Kai said while pointing at the aisle I would go to, then the one he would go to. We waved goodbye and parted ways.

I walked through my aisle searching for a hippo stuffed animal. I found giraffes, dogs, bears, cats, even some elephant stuffed animals. I saw an employee. Yeah, I am not going to talk to strangers today. I thought to myself while walking away from the employee before they could ask if I needed help. About ten minutes passed. I wonder if Kai's having more luck than I am. He would've texted me if he found something. I thought to myself. I looked over to my right and saw one hippo stuffed animal. It was a grey hippo with a smaller grey hippo sitting on top of it. I quickly walked over to it and grabbed it. "Kayla will love this." I muttered under my breath. I pulled my phone out of the pocket of my baggy jeans and texted Kai that I found something and that I'm going to his aisle. A second after I sent that I got a text from Kai saying that he found something. I ran over to his aisle once I saw that text. Once I made it to his aisle, I saw Kaii holding a purple box. Kai turned around and saw me. "What's that?" I asked while walking over to him and pointing at the box with my free hand. "Oh, I found this little piano for kids. Kayla loves music, so I think she would want her own little instrument," Kai said. Kai looked over at the hippo stuffed animal I was holding. "That's so cute. I know Kayla will love it." he said. "I hope she does. We should probably go pay for these now." I said while pointing behind me.

Kai nodded. We walked over to the checkout line. There weren't a lot of people in line. "If the cashier talks, you're going to talk to them, not me." I whispered to Kai. "Okay, but there isn't any reason to be afraid of talking to others." Kai whispered back. "I'm not afraid, I just don't want to talk to people I don't know." I whispered. "You didn't know me, but you still spoke to me." Kai whispered. "Only because Ms. Kokoro told me to show you around the school." I whispered quieter since we were getting closer to the cashier. "Okay, but talking to people makes new friends." Kai said. "Or new enemies." I muttered under my breath. Kai seemed to hear me and playfully shoved me to the side. Once we made it to the front of the line, we placed the piano, and the hippo stuffed animal on the counter. The cashier wore a red apron with white stripes on the sides of it. The cashier's blonde hair was in a high ponytail. "Did you find everything you needed?" the cashier asked. "Yeah," Kai responded. I just stood beside Kai, looking away from them talking, so I wouldn't get involved in the conversation. "Alright, that'll be thirty dollars and fifty cents please." I heard the cashier say. I quickly grabbed my wallet to pay for the hippo stuffed animal. I looked at the cash register to see that the hippo stuffed animal costs thirteen dollars and ten cents. I grabbed two five dollar bills, a loonie, a toonie, and a dime. I placed my money on the counter, and I saw Kai doing the same. The cashier took the money, glanced at it, put it in the cash register, put the piano and stuffed animal in a bag along with the receipt, and gave the bag to Kai. "Have a nice day." the cashier said. "Thanks, you too." Kai said as we walked over to the exit with our stuff. "See, talking to people isn't scary." Kai said once we were out of the store.

"I never said I was scared of talking to people. I just said I don't like talking to people I don't know." I said while grabbing my phone to look at the time. "Woah, it's already eleven fifty one? We were there for a while." Kai sighed as he looked at the time on my phone. I nodded. As we walked I noticed the trees blowing in the breeze. Some people were out of their houses raking the fallen leaves into piles. Some children were jumping in the piles of leaves, while others were helping some adults rake the leaves. All the red, orange, and yellow leaves on the ground, or dangling on some tree branches, made everything look so pretty. "It's so pretty." Kai sighed. "Yeah. We should really start heading back to our houses." I said. Kai nodded. "I think you should take Kayla's gifts to your house. She somehow always manages to find everything I hide from her." Kai said. "She wouldn't be able to find the gifts if they're at your house." Kai added. "Okay, and we could wrap them tomorrow." I suggested. Kai nodded. Once we made it to my house, Kai gave me the bag, waved goodbye, and started walking to his house. I walked to my room and placed the bag with Kayla's gifts beside my telescope. I was tired and just wanted to go to sleep. I walked over to my bed, but heard the sound of a bird chirping outside my window. I looked over to my window to see Zeltron in his sparrow form. I sighed, walked over to the window, and opened it. "What're you doing here?" I asked while closing my window once he flew into my room.

Zeltron turned into his human form and sat down on my bed. "Well that's one way to greet someone I guess." he said. "Sorry, I'm just tired." I said apologetically. Zeltron nodded. "Anyways, I'm here cuz I'm bored, I can't find Hunter and Aria, and I don't want to go back to my house for a bit." Zeltron explained. "Okay... uhm... wanna read a book?" I asked while pointing at my bookshelf. "Ew, no, reading is just going to make me even more bored." Zeltron said. I dramatically gasped. "Reading is amazing, you sir have just offended me." I said dramatically while pointing and Zeltron. Zeltron rolled his eyes. I saw him looking at something beside me. I turned around to look at what he was staring at. "What's in the bag?" he asked. "Kayla's birthday presents. She's Kai's little sister." I said. "Kai's the one with healing powers, right?" Zeltron asked. "No, he's the one with a pet lion." I said sarcastically. Zeltron rolled his eyes. Silence. "You're awfully quieter than usual. What's going on?" I asked, concerned about why Zeltron was a bit too quiet. "Personal reasons, and plus, you wouldn't understand," he muttered. "Miko, time for dinner." I heard my Mom say while walking up the stairs. I turned to look at Zeltron, but he wasn't there. I heard something open behind me.

I turned around to see Zeltron opening my window, turning into a sparrow, and leaving without looking back, or saying goodbye. He left the window open. I walked over to my window, closed it, turned around, and opened my door. I closed my door behind me. I wonder what he's hiding. Is he okay? Of course he isn't okay. He's never that quiet. It probably isn't even my business, I thought to myself. I saw Mom walking out of the upstairs bathroom as I walked down the stairs to eat dinner.

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