~Chapter 27~ ~Monster?~

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I'd been living at Kai's house for months now, and I'd continued to go to Torokuma Academy. Everyone had heard of what had happened to my parents by then. When I first returned to school, there was a lot of whispering and pointing. I tried ignoring them, but it wasn't exactly easy to ignore a ton of people pointing and staring at me. Thankfully, Kai, Nurse Chloe, and Ms. Kokoro were always there to get them to stop. I have to admit, it took some getting used to walking to Kai's house instead of mine at the end of the day. I've been more comfortable with showing both of my eyes at Kai's house now and sometimes in public. We had also held a small funeral for my parents. Kai, Kayla, Alexandra, Zeltron, Hunter, Aria, Nurse Chloe, Ms. Kokoro and I were the only ones there.

I had stayed the longest. During the funeral, I had a feeling someone, or something was secretly watching us. Turns out Zeltron managed to save Cocoa while my house was burning down. Zeltron returned her a few days after my house burned down. She has some burned parts, but other than that, she was perfectly fine, just like the purple book. Bree's telling everyone that she's apparently being haunted by Zoey's ghost. Since Kai and I know two ghosts, we believe her, but we like pretending we don't just to see how frustrated she gets. Everyday after school, Alexandra would take me to Alor Village and train me there. I was still getting good grades in school, and I'd managed to balance my school work and training. It took a while, but I'm now able to hold my breath for nearly a minute! Alexandra cleared out her office and moved it to a different room, so I could have my own bedroom. Alexandra, Kai, Kayla and I would go shopping to buy stuff to replace my things that burned with my house.

Turns out, the reason Hunter never told me the abilities ghosts have, was because he misheard something when he became one. When Hunter became a ghost, another ghost came to him and was telling him the things ghosts can do, but Hunter thought she told him to never tell humans. He realised he misheard her when Aria showed me what her trident could do. He still didn't tell us why he wasn't talking or showing me what ghosts could do since he was wondering if he was right about mishearing her. When my leg was cut, he showed me his powers because he was worried I would die from blood loss if he didn't try healing me.

When I fainted, he thought he did that, and felt so bad. After Aria showed off and told me some of the abilities ghosts have, and since nothing happened to her, he then came to a conclusion that he misheard the ghost girl he met when he became a ghost. I noticed Kai and Zeltron talking to each other a lot over the past few months. Hunter and Aria were starting to forgive each other for something that happened when they were alive that they hadn't told me. I respected them, so I wasn't going to pressure them into telling me what had happened between them. I looked up at the ceiling of my new room, until my door swung open. I looked over to see Kayla standing at my door, she was in her pj's and holding a teddy bear. "Hey Kayla, need anything?" I questioned as I sat up on my bed. Kayla walked over to me and crawled on my bed.

"There's a monster under my bed." she whispered in fear as she hugged her teddy bear tighter. I blinked a few times. "Doesn't Kai check under your bed every night for monsters?" I asked her. "He didn't check, he was too busy texting Zeltron." I heard a bit of jealousy in her voice when she said Zeltron's name. I grabbed my phone from my nightstand, and got off my bed. "Alright, I'll check." I rubbed my eyes as I left my bedroom with Kayla following behind me. "I went to ask grandma when Kai refused, but I couldn't find her." Kayla whispered.

I was in front of Kayla's room now, and I opened the door. We walked inside, and Kayla hopped on her bed, still hugging her teddy bear tightly. "Kayla, don't hug the teddy bear so tightly, you might choke it." I joked. I noticed Kayla loosen her grip on her teddy bear from the corner of my eye. I turned on my phone's flashlight and searched under her bed. All I could find was a stuffed animal bunny, and a sweater. I pulled them out and plopped them beside Kayla. Her eyes widened when she saw the stuffed animal bunny and hugged it. "I thought I lost you." she sighed as she looked at the stuffed bunny in her arms. I yawned a little. "I'm gonna go to sleep now, see you in the morning, Kayla." I waved Kayla goodbye as I walked back to my room. I plopped myself halfway on my bed and fell asleep within seconds.

I had the dream where Hunter and Hannah died, then I woke up and noticed it was still nighttime. I fixed my position so that my whole body was on the bed, then thought for a moment. When Hannah dies in that dream, I don't have to stand and watch, I could explore... I tried going back to sleep, and I managed to after a few minutes. Once Hannah died, I decided to look around the house. I knew I didn't have much time, so I hurried. The more I explored, the more I realised how poor Hunter's living situation was when he was alive.

There was barely any food, and the clothes were either too big, dirty, or had holes in them.The walls were stained, and had holes in them. The room I was in was full of dust. I continued to walk around, but ended up waking up. I woke up to see my ceiling. I rubbed my eyes and tiredly got out of bed once I noticed it was morning. I walked down the stairs to only see Alexandra there, she was sweeping. She looked up to see me walking down the stairs. "Morning, why're you awake so early?" she asked as she continued sweeping. I shrugged. Alexandra handed me a broom, and I took it while helping her sweep the floor. We sweeped for about a minute in silence until Alexandra broke that silence. "I'm thinking about having you and Kai go to Ternary Academy in Alor Village." Ternary Academy is the best school in Alor Village, I'd seen it on the outside and it was huge. It reminded me of a castle. I almost dropped my broom in shock. "What about Kayla?" I asked. "She's gonna continue going to Torokuma Academy," Alexandra sweeped a bit more. "Ternary Academy is a school where students only go back home on weekends, holidays, and PA days." she added. I didn't know what to say. "Rachel and Chloe know about this, and they got jobs there too." she informed me as she leaned her broom on the wall.

We stood in silence for a few minutes until Kai came downstairs. He stared at us for a bit. "Why're you guys just standing here in silence?" he asked as he grabbed a cup and poured some water in it. "I'll tell you once Kayla wakes up." Alexandra told Kai. Kai nodded. "Do you want me to wake her up now?" he asked. Alexandra nodded, and as Kai was leaving to go to the staircase, I put a hand on his shoulder. He turned around looking confused. I told him about when Kayla woke me up last night. "Okay, I'm sorry, but there's no such thing as monsters, she needs to learn that." he told me. "I know, but when she came to my room, she was scared. Get her to figure out monsters aren't real in a way where she won't be afraid." I said, sounding a bit protective over Kayla. Kai nodded and walked upstairs to Kayla's room. He came back downstairs a few minutes later with a tired Kayla following behind him. Kai, Kayla and I sat down on the couch and waited for Alexandra to speak.

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