~Chapter 17~ ~Healing and Lunch~

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I watched Ambrose kick Hunter while mocking him, then woke up to see the bright light in Nurse Chloe's office shine on my face. I groaned in annoyance, and closed my eyes, wanting to go back to sleep. I grabbed the pillow and lazily plopped it on top of my eyes to cover the light, but I was somehow still able to see even with my eyes closed. I placed my hands on the sides of the pillow and tried going back to sleep, until I heard the door open and someone walk in. I was curious to know who was there, so I took the pillow off my face. I saw Kai, he smiled a little when he saw I was awake and walked over to me.

He had a piece of paper in his left hand as he walked over to me. "Mr. Hethermen finished grading the history assignment you and everyone else did. He was planning on giving it to you tomorrow, but I volunteered to give it to you myself." Kai explained while giving me the paper. The second I looked at it, I noticed 100% written on the top right corner of the page in red pen. "Good job. Mr. Hethermen told everyone in class that you got the best mark." Kai congratulated me. My eyes widened. "He really did that?" I asked in disbelief. Kai nodded. "He sounded kind of happy and surprised, he doesn't really seem like the teacher to be happy for anyone though." Kai informed me. I looked back at the page. "He isn't." I replied, still a bit shocked that Mr. Hethermen was happy I got the highest mark on this assignment. "Lunch is about to end soon, are you able to go to our next class?" Kai asked. "I'm not feeling weird, so I guess I could go, I should probably ask Nurse Chloe first though." I looked around the room, trying to find Nurse Chloe.

"Oh, she won't be here. After Ms. Kokoro and her interrogated me about what happened, she told me to check on you and that you can leave when you feel fine." Kai informed me. I nodded and slowly rolled off the bed and caught myself before I fell to the floor. I stumbled a bit, but still managed to catch myself. "Are you hungry?" Kai asked, I opened my mouth to speak, but my stomach started to growl. "I'll take that as a yes." Kai said, laughing a bit. I quickly clutched my stomach in embarrassment. "That's nothing to be embarrassed about, it's normal." Kai said sympathetically.

"Now let's go, I haven't eaten yet either." Kai said while grabbing onto my wrist and running over to the door, pulling me behind him in the process. My left leg started stinging. I remembered the chandelier and stopped running. Kai turned around looking confused. "Remember how I told you my leg got scratched?" I asked Kai while gently clutching my left leg with my free-hand. Kai's eyes widened with worry. "I'm sorry, did running make it hurt?" Kai asked worryingly. I silently nodded. None of us spoke, we just sat there in silence. Kai slowly let go of my wrist and hesitantly walked over to me. He anxiously looked at the ceiling. "Ms. Kokoro and Nurse Chloe told you, right?" Kai asked, still looking at the ceiling.

"Told me what?" I asked. Kai leaned in closer, "About them having powers." he said in a whisper. I nodded. I heard Kai mutter something to himself while looking at the ceiling. "I have powers too." Kai admitted in a whisper. I kind of already suspected that since he's able to read the book Kyle wrote, and he needs to have the mark thing on his arm. "What's your power?" I asked out of curiosity, still not letting go of my leg. "I can heal living things, but I can't make them regenerate or bring them back to life." Kai explained. "I can heal your leg," he added. Kai waved his hand telling me to let go of my leg and bring it to him. I let go of my leg and hesitantly stretched it out for him to heal. Kai kneeled down beside me and waved his index finger in the air making the shape of a circle above my leg. A red hoop that reminded me of fire was above my leg and it was starting to float down to my leg. I shut my eyes, bracing myself for pain since I remembered how much it hurt when Hunter was trying to heal it. My leg started tingling. I opened one of my eyes to see the red hoop dissolving into my leg. The pain in my leg was slowly going away while the hoop was dissolving into my leg, and my leg stopped hurting once the hoop completely dissolved.

I couldn't hide my shocked expression, Kai seemed to notice and burst out laughing. "What? This is truly incredible." I said while nudging Kai's shoulder with mine. Once Kai calmed down he stood up. "Let's go eat now, before lunch is over." Kai said while walking over to the door. I nodded, stood up, then walked over to the door. Kai opened the door and walked out, waiting for me to follow behind him. "When did you find out you had these powers?" I asked a few seconds after we walked out of the nurse's office. "When I was three years old. I got hurt, and my arm was hurting, then out of nowhere, my arm healed itself." Kai explained. "And when my grandpa died, I tried bringing him back to life with my powers... it didn't work." Kai muttered the last part while rubbing the back of his neck with his hand and looking over at the wall as we walked. "I'm sorry for your loss." was all I felt like I could say that I wouldn't regret saying. "It was in the past, I was eight. I'm fine." Kai smiled a little with his eyes closed. What if he's holding back tears? Why did I have to ask when he found out about his powers? Why couldn't I just shut up? What's wrong with me? I thought of how when I was tearing up and how Kai hugged me to make me feel better. Should I hug him? What if that just makes things worse?

"Let's just hurry and-" I quickly hugged Kai. He stopped talking and was stiff and didn't react for a second, but then hugged me back. "What's this for?" Kai asked. "So you feel better. This is gonna be our little thing now." I responded. I heard Kai laugh a bit. "Okay, but can we eat now? I'm still hungry y'know?" I laughed a bit and let go. "Okay, let's go!" I exclaimed while leading Kai to our lockers. Kai followed behind me. We marched over to our lockers, so we could get our lunch bags, then go somewhere to eat. Once we reached our lockers, we opened them, took our lunch bags out, then closed them with our lunch bags in hand. "Wanna eat outside?" Kai asked. I nodded and we started walking to the front doors. Once we made it to the front doors, we walked out and started looking for a place to sit. I looked around and saw a tree with a lot of shade. "Hey, wanna sit there?" I asked Kai while pointing at the tree. Kai nodded while smiling and walked over to the tree with me. We sat under the tree on the soft grass, placed our lunch bags in front of us, then started eating. Kai had some chips and started eating them the second he noticed he had them. I laughed at how happy he looked when he saw the chips. Kai offered me some and I gladly took one and ate it.

"Thank you." I said, thankful for the chip. "No problem." Kai said, eating another chip. I opened my lunch bag to see two cupcakes with chocolate frosting and sprinkles and one arepa. I offered a cupcake to Kai who was eating another chip, he accepted my offer and took a cupcake. "This is delicious, thank you." Kai said after taking a bite out of his cupcake. "You're welcome." I said while taking a bite out of my cupcake. After we finished eating, we packed up then headed to our lockers to put our lunch bags away. The bell rang when we put our lunch bags away and locked our lockers. I looked at our schedule to see what we had now. "We have math." I informed Kai. "Let's hurry then, before we're late." Kai said while walking away from his locker. I nodded and started walking to the math room with Kai. After all these years of wondering what having a friend would be like, I finally have one.

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