~Chapter 33~ ~The Walk~

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It was finally the weekend. Alexandra and Kayla came to pick Kai and I up as we said our goodbyes to Zel and Em. We walked out of Alor Village, with Kayla telling us to tell her everything that happened at Ternary Academy. We told her everything, and I even showed her the carving on my wrist. Kai and I still had some work we needed to do, so once we got home, we tried finishing our work as fast as possible. Kayla had really missed us, so she kept running into our rooms asking if we were done yet. Kayla ran into my room for the fortieth time in an hour. She ran over to my desk and stood on her tippy toes to look over at the paper I was writing my essay on. "Are you done yet?" She eagerly questioned. "Like I said before, not yet." I answered as I continued writing without looking at her.

"What are you even doing?" She reached for my paper, but I pushed her hand away. "I'm writing an essay." She huffed and sat down on the floor with her arms crossed. "That's so boring. What's it even about?" I turned my paper to the other side to continue writing. "I need to choose five different types of powers and write about their weaknesses and what they can do." I answered as I continued writing on the other side of the paper. Kayla got up from the floor. "Just write about your power, Kai's power, grandma's power, Zeltron's power, and Aria's power." I smiled a little. "I would if we were allowed to write about the powers of friends and family." She crossed her arms again. "Why aren't you allowed to do that?" she quizzed. "It would be way too easy." I answered. "Are you almost done?" I re-read a sentence I wrote. "I'm almost done with this essay, but I still have other things to work on." Kayla turned around and sadly walked out of my room to go to Kai's. After thirty minutes, I realised that I needed another sheet of paper, so I left my room to go get one. The second I left my room I was attacked by Kayla. "Are you done? Great, let's play now!"
She grabbed my hand and tried pulling me, but I stayed put. "I'm not done yet, Kayla." I ruffled her hair with my other hand. She let go of my hand and pouted. "Why don't you go see if Kai's finished?" I suggested as I crouched down to her level. "I already did, he said he's not done yet too." I moved her past me and started walking down the stairs. "We'll be done soon, just wait a little longer." I glanced back at her as I walked down the stairs, she looked defeated. Once I got another sheet of paper, I went back to my room and continued from where I had left off. A few minutes passed and I had finally finished my essay. Now I had to finish my math homework. Even though it's a school for people with powers, we still had to learn things that would be taught at normal schools. Kai and I were busy working separately in our rooms for the whole day, and then Sunday came along. I managed to finish all the work I had, so I decided to leave the house and go on a walk after breakfast. I told Alexandra that I would be going on a walk since I want to go outside instead of staying indoors. I asked Kai if he wanted to come, but he declined saying he still had some stuff to finish. As I was about to leave, I caught a glimpse of Kayla tiredly walking down the stairs. Kayla hadn't had breakfast yet, and she'd probably want to walk with me since she couldn't hang out with Kai or I yesterday. I walked over to her.

"Hey Kayla, wanna go on a walk with me once you're done eating breakfast?" She yawned as she sat down on a chair. Once she heard what I asked, her eyes lit up and she eagerly nodded. I waited for her to finish eating and get changed so we could go. Before we left I turned to Kayla. "Do you need to use the bathroom?" I questioned. "Nope." She replied, sounding a bit over confident. "Are you sure? 'Cause I don't want you to tell me you need to use the restroom when we're far away from home." She thought for a moment then ran to the bathroom. I waited for her to finish as I scrolled through videos on my phone. "You're still here?" I turned around to see Kai standing behind me. "Yeah, I'm going on a walk with Kayla. I'm just waiting for her to get out of the bathroom." I answered. "'Kay, so can I look through some of your answers on our math homework?" I turned back to my phone. "We're supposed to finish our work on our own." I reminded him. "I know, but I forgot some of the formulas," he informed me. "And no one's gonna suspect anything since we have the same questions to solve," he added. "Yeah, that and because the answers are numbers... Okay fine, but this is the only time I'm letting you copy my work." He happily hugged me tightly. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" He let go of me once he realised he was suffocating me, then ran up the stairs. A few minutes later, Kayla came out of the bathroom.

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