~Chapter 15~ ~Gym~

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I slowly walked over to Kai, who was waiting for me at the door. Kai sighed, walked over to me, grabbed my wrist, and pulled me over to the door. Kai opened the door, the sunlight blinded me for a moment, I blinked a few times so my eyes could adjust to the light. "The sunlight is so beautiful." Kai sighed. "Don't you agree?" Kai asked while glancing behind him, so he could look at me. His blue eyes glistened in the sunlight. "No." I said while putting my free hand over my eyes as a source of shade. "Why?" Kai asked. "The sun is too bright, it makes everything hot, and it makes people sweat." I explained. "Well besides those basic things, why do you hate the sun?" Kai asked. That question made me think more. "I don't know, those are the only reasons why." I responded. "Why do you like the sun?" I asked Kai. "Uhm... personal reasons." he said, a hint of sadness in his voice. I looked at Kai, he looked a bit sad, I was starting to worry. What if he cries? I don't know how to comfort people. Did I make him remember a traumatic experience?

"I'm... sorry, Kai." I said, apologetically, unknown if saying this was going to make him feel better. Kai looked back at me, a small smile plastered on his face, "Don't apologise, it's not your fault you didn't know." Kai said reassuringly. I smiled back a little. I guess that worked, I thought to myself. "Now c'mon, we're gonna be late." Kai said while turning around to walk over to the field. I looked at the field and saw about eight figures that looked like people standing there. Some looked like they were talking to each other, while others looked like they were just standing there. I heard the doors behind us open, and heard the sound of people laughing. I turned around to see Bree with three other girls I recognized, but just forgot their names. I used to be in the same class as them in grade two, but we didn't really speak to each other, other than a few "Hi's" and "Byes". They were all laughing about something, and I noticed them whispering while glancing at Kai and I a few times.

They walked past us and headed for the field. "I wonder what they were laughing about." Kai said once they were nearly at the field. "It was probably something stupid." I said, turning around to look at Kai. "Alright, we really gotta go now," Kai said while looking at the watch on his wrist. "It's nine fifteen. And we have two periods of gym today, so by the time it's ten, gym class will be over." Kai continued. "Yeah, let's go." I said after hearing the doors behind us open again. Kai and I began walking over to the field. "I wonder what we're going to do." I wondered. "Same, we're probably going to do something like running since we're outside." Kai said. "I hate running. Just as much as I hate the sun." I sighed. "So not so much?" Kai asked with a grin, knowing the answer. I playfully rolled my eyes at him. Kai and I made it to the field a few seconds later. I noticed that the people on the field were my classmates, the students from the class beside mine, our male gym teacher, Mr. Richard, and our female gym teacher, Mrs. Faye. "Alright, we're just going to wait one more minute just in case other people are coming." Mr. Richard announced. I heard Bree giggling and whispering with the same girls she came out of the locker room with. I noticed them looking over at Kai and I a few times, or just straight up pointing at us. I sighed and tried ignoring them, but they didn't even try hiding the fact that they were talking about us. They just laughed louder, and instead of glancing at us, they started staring at us. "Seriously? They aren't even trying to hide it." Kai sounded annoyed.

"Just try ignoring them, it's not like what they say and do matters anyways." I told Kai. "It's not so easy when they're laughing like maniacs." Kai muttered, so I would be the only one to hear him. I laughed a little. "Alright, since everyone is here now, we'll tell you what we're going to do today." Mr. Richard announced. "We will be running laps today." Mrs. Faye said. "The girls will be running over there." Mrs. Faye continued while pointing over to the right side of the field. "And the boys will be running over here." Mr. Richard said while waving at the left side of the field. "We will be timing you all, I'll be timing the girls, and Mr. Richard will be timing the boys. You'll all be running one lap, and we'll tell you how long it took you once you finish." Mrs. Faye announced. Wait, I'll have to go to the same side as Bree and the other girls, I reminded myself. What if they annoy me? What if they embarrass me? "Miko," I snapped out of my thought to see Kai looking at me, concern written all over his face. "You okay?" he asked. "Yeah, I'm fine." I reassured him, Kai smiled a little. "Anyways, it's time to go to our sides, see you later." Kai said while waving me goodbye. "Okay, see ya later." I waved Kai goodbye and walked over to my side of the field.

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