"You Seem Familiar..."

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It wasn't often for the cold leader to go out alone to get some fresh air, let alone ponder about his life deeply.

The woods were the perfect place for him to do this. Space to walk around, no one to bother him, and especially no sort of explosion noises.

"About time you got away from that damn paperwork."

Naturally, Pein would feel a slight irritation from his alone time being meddled with, but confusion and nostalgia crept on him first.

The orange haired man turned to the voice to see a young woman. It did take him a minute, silently taking in the woman's appearance.

Then he chuckled and let himself smile with warmth.


You emotionally giggled before walking to him, embracing him. You didn't expect him to return the affection, given his personality, but you felt an awkward pat on the back. It was good enough.

For once, Pein felt such overwhelming emotion that it could bring a tear or two. Almost.

Konan also had her times of reminiscing.

Standing on some lake, she let her origami birds fly around as she always found some sort of tranquil from it. They looked so free, despite it all just being in her jutsu. She felt they needed to be let go regardless.

Just like the two most people she missed. A childhood friend she and Nagato once had and-

An origami flew to her, interrupting her thought. Strange behavior. Even more strange there was handwriting on it.

Konan unfolded the origami to read the note.

'Turn around ~♡'

And turning around, she did. She gasped and let the paper go, letting it fall in the lake and soak.

There you were, smiling at her from across the lake, all grown up.

"Y/n!" She cried out and ran to you, not caring if her footsteps splashed water onto her assigned cloak.

You kept your ground as she nearly glomped you down onto the lake.

You two held each other tightly. It's like you have reunited with your long-lost mother, something above that line.

"Gosh, you grown up!" She says, surprised and super proud.

"I only got like... two inches taller." You murmured with a blush.

"Well, my dear, you're still here. That's the only thing that should matter. I'm very proud of you, my child."

"That'll be 320 yen. Thank you." You smile at the customer, doing your job like you do nowadays.

You've given the customer their paid dango tray and thanked them for buying at your store.

This job was minimum wage, but screw it. It was an enjoyable job. And being paid with food seemed acceptable, although there's taxes you should start focusing on.

You started counting some change in the register, occasionally glancing around in the store. Your eyes hit a gentleman in the corner that was looking at you.

You did a quick double take, realizing that it wasn't some ordinary handsome man.


You smiled widely at him before calling out to your manager. "Hey, I'm gonna go on break now!"

Akatsuki x Female Teen Reader Scenarios(2020)Where stories live. Discover now