😢When You Cry😢

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You just got finished listening to Sweden, the Minecraft theme song. Only thing different was that it was edited into a very sad nostalgic moment. And if you never played Minecraft, then I don't know what childhood you had.

The nostalgia hit you deep, so you were put in your feelings for the whole day. You sat outside, daydreaming about your former homes,the friends you made and lost. Everything, before you are where you are now.

You wanted to go back. But of course, you can never go back. The feeling of knowing that created tears in your e/c orbs. You caught yourself, and wiped them away, but apparently the leader of the cruel organization you're in noticed.

"Y/n." You heard Pein approaching you. "Hm?" You hummed in question, looking like you didn't tear up or anything. "What is troubling you this time?" You brushed your h/c back, thinking on what to say. It was nothing too bad, you were just being nostalgic.

"Nothing too bad. I'm just thinking about my past life." You answered clearly. Clear enough for him to know that you weren't telling another lie. "Hm. Well, I suppose I have nothing to say. We all have our moments." Pein walked off, leaving you to yourself.

You were glad he understands, you wouldn't want a lecture about moving on. "The worst wish I made is wishing to grow up." You said to yourself.

You've been reading a manga series for months now, and it's been really juicy. You started reaching the end of the series, which there was a huge battle. But it's okay. What good anime doesn't involve a main character sacrificing themself, or just simply dying? 

You were aware of a main character dying. But you weren't aware of it being your favorite character. And there goes your mood. Devastation first took over, and then complete sadness. You've never seen bullshit before! You couldn't stop looking at the page. Throughout all the people...

Your eyes started to sweat. I'm not crying, my eyes are just sweating from all this heat. "Y/n! I made cookies, you want some- What's wrong?" Konan entered your room with a plate of cookies, her expression went from eager to sympathetic. "They just killed off my favorite character!" You broke down, raising the comic book. "Oh." Konan didn't know what to say about that. What would anyone say about it? "Do you want cookies to cheer you up?" She asked.

You nodded while still crying. You couldn't give a shit if you were crying, dying, or anything, homemade cookies were the best.

Any normal person would do this. You were simply having a bad day, which resulted you crying your eyes out. You locked yourself in the bathroom, surrounded by pieces of toilet paper you used to wipe your unending tears. Your back was against the door, which is why it startled you when your felt a gentle knock on the door.

"Y/n. You've been crying in the bathroom for 2 hours." Itachi's gentle voice sounded. "T-There's a b-b-bathroom near H-Hidan's room." You informed between sniffles. "No, Y/n. That's not what I need. Why are you crying?"

You didn't want to talk about it. You didn't even know why. "Look, I'm just having a bad day. Please leave me alone!" You shut your eyes in mixed emotions. You were waiting for Itachi's insistence, but you heard slow footsteps going far. "Don't forget who I am. Just understand you're not alone, Y/n." Your cry slowly died away processing the sentence.

There's people who are in worst condition.

Today, you were excited. There was an after school dance, everyone was going. Fun games, fun conversations, even drama, delicious food to enjoy. But then you realized you didn't have any friends.

If that wasn't the biggest crash you ever had, then you better comment what was. You were dressed all fancy too. Got makeup on, your rare, fancy outfit you saved. All of that for nothing.

It would've been embarrassing and confusing to go back home very early, so you sat on a curb in front of the school. At first you were just sitting there rethinking everything, before resting your head on your knees and cry.

--30 depressing minutes later brought to you by Hidan trying to fit in the dance--

"Alright, Fish stick, who dumped you? Give me their address." You looked up to see Kisame hovering over you. Looks like he got back from a mission, as he had Samehada with him.

"It's impossible to be dumped if you're single!" The first half of the sentence, you managed to explain clearly, the second part you broke down. "Huh?" Kisame tilted his head, trying to understand the situation. "Kisa! Please tell me why I'm not loved!" You stood up and clung on to him. Kisame sighed and shook his head. "Well, Y/n, I don't have a say in this, considering I'm a horrifying shark man that's career is about killing people. But, there's plenty of fish in the sea. You just haven't caught the right one yet. Just stay on the shallow side of the water." He explained, patting your head like some sort of philosopher.

Smort shark.

You felt a little bit more hopeful. But you wanted comfort so you still had your grip on him, crying into his cloak. "Let's go back to the hideout, and get you cleaned up and we can talk some more. Deal?" You nodded.

The day sucked, but Kisame made it a little better.


Kakuzu didn't know how to comfort a crying, screaming child. But after you were done, he wanted to see what the fuck was your problem, your outrage caused damage, and to repair it, it cost money.

Remember that cat Pein took away from you and Deidara? You both planned to get it back and it worked for about a week! Why a week? Because it was found.

Only thing different was, Pein wasn't the one that found the kitten. Zetsu  did. The kitten must've made its way to his garden. When you looked for it there, the graphics of it made you ill.

Deidara found you throwing up in the bathroom, crying at the same time. "Y/n, are you okay, un?!" Deidara freaked out. "No. I'm not!" You cried. Deidara crouched to your level. "Bomby..." (True Popularmmos fans would understand the name). "What?! What about him?!"

You thought about the sight once more, causing you to release your sickness again. "Zetsu got to him." Deidara eyes widen. It took seconds for him to start tearing up as well. "That bastard killed Bomby?!" He growled. "Yes! He was only just a kitten." You whimpered. Instead of crying with you, Deidara wanted to settle the score with Zetsu. Zetsu wasn't going to get blown up, but his garden damn well was.

You were sobbing on the dining room table. Sasori didn't know what to do. So he just sat down next to you, but didn't say anything. He was awkwardly there, just having a face expression like 😐.

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