👴You Encounter Another Pedophile👴

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Requested by 3666h666666666, aka a fellow writer

Not gonna lie, I decided to write this since I have fun writing juicy shit, but as usual, I hope you enjoy.

Another thing, they made a chapter like this, so for most parts I'm going to remake them with the same plot.

Today is a normal day. Everyone's doing their own thing. Sasori is making more puppets. Kisame is swimming at the local beach. Hidan is picking up prostitutes. And you were just taking a walk, staring at the ground thinking about random shit.

Konan and Pein seem like they're getting closer. I wonder if they're dating. How long has Kakazu been collecting money in his life? Surely he can buy a bit mansion for all of us. How and why does one puppet make more puppets. Are they going to take over the world instead of aliens and robots? Shouldn't Hidan be scared of herpes? Lasagna is just spaghetti flavored cake.

"Hello cutie." You stopped in your tracks and lifted up your head to see a random man standing in your path. "Uhh, hi?" You replied in a certain tone. Pardon me, but did this grown man just called me 'cutie'?? I don't know how to feel about that.

"Are you just by yourself? How old are you?" The man asked while taking one step towards you. You slowly backed up, he wasn't even an arm length close to you, but it was too close for comfort. "Uhhhh, why?" You felt goosebumps on your skin. Why do I feel like he's about to jump on me?

"I just wanted to see if I could offer you a well paid job. I thought a pretty lady like yourself would." The tall man stated, rubbing his chin. "What is it?" You had a little spark of curiosity. "Just have you do a few things with other people, and you get paid. Nothing that special, but it'll be fun for you. Matter a fact, you can start right this second. Would you like to try?" Asking the last part enthusiastically, he quickly walked towards you, causing you to back up in fear.

When you took 2 steps back, you bumped into something...or a someone. You slowly turned around to see another man, smirking down at you. "Yup, she's in for the money." As soon as he touched your arm, you elbowed the fuck out of his balls. Wasting no time to see the man grown in pain, you ran back from where you came from.

Go back to base! Go back to base! Go the fuck back to base! You were running as fast as you could, feeling hope that you were running from danger. "Hey little bitch! Get back here!" Wait, are they gaining up to my pace?! Shit! And just like that hope left your body. One good thing, you can speed up your pace. The bad thing is, you're quickly draining your energy, but at this rate, it's do or die.

Being logical, you were panicking so you were already losing energy, sprinting wasn't helping. You knew you were failing yourself, but when you spotted another man, except this one was quite different, you felt joy. "Pein!" You cried from both inside and out. You were too relieved to see him, you were available to last a few minutes from running to his spot.

You instantly hid behind him for protection. The 2 men that were chasing you somehow caught up. They eyed you before looking at Pein. "Excuse me but is that your daughter?" One spoke in anger, probably being salty he couldn't catch his target. Pein didn't instantly respond. At first he studied both men, before looking down at you. "Yes." He silently said. "Are you sure? She doesn't look like you." "She may not look like me, but it does not change the fact that she'd want to go with human traffickers." Pein shot back. Both of the men got even more pissed, because usually that's what happen when pedophiles get exposed.

As they both started marching to you both, you cowered behind Pein even more. Pein, or course, nonchalantly raised a hand before screaming his usual attack. "Almighty Push!" The two creeps went flying far, screaming in fear as they know their spines are coming to an end.

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