😮You Accidentally Call Them Dad/Mom😮

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Requested by Maxx_animewolf

All afternoon, in the living room, you were reading a book, ignoring everything that's going on. Pein is probably the only active member around base, since everyone else was doing their own thing.

You heard him sigh after he was rummaging through the refrigerator in the kitchen. "Y/n, if anyone ask where I am, tell them I'm getting some more milk." Pein requested.

"Okay, dad." In an instance, you stopped reading and your eyes widen. Whoops...

A few seconds, Pein sighed again, but you didn't know what his expression was behind it. "If I'm dad, what does that make Konan?"

"Uh-" "If Konan ever had a kid with you, her name would change to Karen, un." Deidara appeared out of nowhere, from the kitchen. Smirking at his own joke.

"Shut it!" Pein snapped. You almost laughed at the very realistic joke.

"Y/n, dinner is ready!" Konan poked her head through your door, cheerfully. "I'll eat in a minute, Komom!" You accidentally said. "Whoops, I mean Konan." You corrected yourself, with slight embarrassment.

"It's okay." Konan smiled before closing the door. After the door closed, you heard excited squealing.

"Konan, what the fu-" You heard Hidan's voice. "She called me mom, Hidan! She called me mom!" And there was running and squealing down the halls after that.

Itachi put you in another genjutsu, and you saw your parents. Your mother was holding you, as your father was walking towards the front door. You tried reaching for him, but something restrained you.

"Wait, dad don't go!" You called. As you closed your eyes, and opened them up once more, you looked at your surroundings. You were in Itachi's arms, and he was staring at you.

"You're not my dad!" You pouted. "Hm." He gently settled you down, and got up. "If I was, that would mean you dated your own uncle." He said before walking off.

You thought about it, and yep. That's actually true.

You were swimming with Kisame, and you were doing great, swimming by yourself. All of a sudden, you started sinking.

Your mind was filled with panic, you didn't even think to call his actual name. "Dad! Help me! I'm drowning!" You cried.

Kisame looked at you for a second, before nonchalantly swimming over to you.

You climbed on his back, catching your breath. "Dad, huh?" Kisame grinned. "What?" You tilted your head. "You called me dad." Your eyes widen as you realized you did call Kisame 'dad'.


Kisame chuckled at you, but deep down he felt accomplished of something.


Hidan was giving you a lecture about some unimportant shit you literally couldn't care any less for.

"Sorry, dad.😏" You said, smugly. But then, Hidan ran off. You were confused about that part, until:

"I'm still not tryna catch that motherfucking case!"

You accidentally called Kakuzu dad, and things got awkward really damn fast. The whole room was quiet.

"Actually, it's grandad." Hidan randomly opened the door and smiled. That made things worse.

"Hidan, shut up!" Kakuzu groaned. "Imagine if Kakuzu ever had kids." Hidan added. "And then child support follows." Kakuzu mumbled.

"He can't even hold a relationship for long!" Hidan laughed. "That's it!"

You tried to get Deidara's attention. But instead of "Dei", you said "Dad". Sasori was present too.

You and Deidara were looking at each other. "How do you call him dad? You know damn well he'd blow up his kids if he ever had any." Sasori said.

"Pfft. It's just an accident, hopefully." Deidara blushed."Yes! It was!" You confirmed.

"Thanks." Sasori said as you handed him a chemical. "You're welcome, dad!" You smiled for a split second, before covering your mouth.

"Well that's new." Sasori said, patting your head. "I've never thought of being called a dad."

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