😸You Bring Home A Stray Cat😸

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Pein didn't see you around base all day until you arrived back from somewhere- with a strange furry creature. Pein looked carefully what was in your arms, and he realized it was a stray kitten, since its fur was dirty.

"Y/n, go put that thing back where it came from. It probably is carrying a disease." Pein demanded and reason. You looked at him like you were offended. "Pein!" You gasped. "This thing has no home, food, or anybody!" You hugged the dirty kitten more tightly.

Pein rubbed his temples and sighed. "Fine. You can keep it, but you're responsible for it." He said. You smiled and happily ran off, getting the kitten cleaned and cared.

You and Konan were walking outside of base before stumbling upon a helpless kitten. It looked dead due to the lack of water and nutrition. You and Konan looked at each other before getting the same thought. Save it!

You both went to the local village to retrieve some help for the kitten's sake, and at the end of the day, you went back to base with one very beautiful tabby cat.

Pein didn't really care for the cat, but Konan damn well did. She even made an origami bow for it. The other members all thought you both were weird, but what could anyone say? You're both caring girls!

You were alone out base when a black small cat ran in front of you. Shit! Bad luck! As this thought popped up in mind, another thought appeared as an idea...

Itachi was sitting in the living room, drinking tea and reading the newspaper before a black fuzz caught his attention. "Itachi, I think you got bad luck!" You called from behind the couch. He looked at you confused, then looked at the black fuzz that was confirmed a cat. The cat walked towards him, sniffing who the handsome guy is.

A faint smile could appear on Itachi's face as he picked up the small feline. "Where'd you find him?" You stood up and stretched. " Meh, he came across my path. Had a hard time luring him to me, but it's worth it."

Surpisingly, you learned something today. The weasel man likes cats.

When you brought home a cat, Kisame wasn't happy about it. You can tell why.

"Y/n! Your damn cat is biting me again! Ouch! Stop it you little shit!" You couldn't do anything but watch Kisame running away from the cat that is clinging on to his back, biting him. You found the cat all hungry on the streets, but you guess that it preferred shark over tuna.

"Y/n please! It's getting close to my neck!"

Hidan caught you going to your room with a cardboard box, and he followed you to see what you got. You didn't know he was right behind you, and your door was left wide open since both of your hands were occupied.

"What do you got there, Y/n?" Hidan asked, looking into the box. "My new pet cat." You answered, smiling at the cute little animal standing on its hind legs sniffing at you and Hidan.

"Why would you bring home a dirty pussy?" Hidan asked not knowing what he just asked. You looked at him in a certain way. The cat also looked at him in a certain way.

"Get out."

"Oh.. My bad I didn't realize-"

"Get the fuck out my room, now!"

"Okay, sorry."

At the hideout, you were rushing to Kakuzu's room with an injured kitten in your arms. You didn't know what happened, but you spotted it limping around base.

You thought Kakuzu would be available to stitch up its leg, and when you entered the room. You made him stop counting his money and heal the kitten. He didn't complain or anything, he just quickly did it and went back to counting his money.

You were going to pay him, but he just didn't seem to care.

Outside of base, you needed help catching a very skittish cat. So, you had Deidara help you with the old tying a string to a stick holding a box box trick.

You used pieces of chicken for bait, then quickly ran to the Bush Deidara was at. From there, he was ready to pull the string when the kitten came by. And when it did, he made it look so easy! Very eager, you two went to retrieve your capture.

When Deidara picked it up, it seemed very frightened. "Poor thing. Must've been abused and abandoned." You suggested the problem. "Maybe. Could you run back to base to get a towel, hm?" Deidara asked, trying to calm down the terrified floof.

You nodded then took off. You and Deidara spent the day taking care of the cute kitten, all the other members were just smiling on how adorable it was.

Then Pein decided to take it to the pet store since "it was a distraction". But it's alright, because Konan took care of him at once.

No one but Sasori and Deidara were at base, and Deidara was asleep. So you had Sasori take care of the kitten you found, so you could go out to buy the needs.

Sasori didn't say anything when you dropped the kitten in his room and closed the door, he kept working on his puppets. But when you got back from the store, you opened the door to find him holding the kitten like a baby, and wearing cat ears at the same time.

You've never seen something so precious at all. Your heart was just liquefied.

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