😜Making A Sex Joke Around You😜

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About everyone in base was in the dining room hanging out, you were in the kitchen doing your own thing. Hidan was teasing Pein about the shop thing with him and Konan, both of them denying the false couple thing, or at least mostly Pein. Konan was just laughing most of the time.

"Come the fuck on, just admit it! You love each other!" Hidan smirked. "Hidan you know Pein doesn't swing that way, besides, what girl would be aroused by someone that has a lot of piercings." Konan giggled. "That's not what happened last night." Pein monotone-ly said.

You stopped what you were doing and looked at Pein, saying nothing. Everyone was silent before looking at you to see your reaction, in which they burst out laughing, leaving Pein embarrassed. "You don't know what that means." He told you. "Yes. Yes I do." You were still looking at him in an odd way. You left the whole area to avoid more cringe.

You were on a brief mission with Pein and Konan to scan through a village. You were mostly allowed to go since it wouldn't take a while, and there shouldn't be a chance of being invaded. You were walking ahead of the both of them, while they were a few feet behind just chatting. You were enjoying the scenery at the same time eavesdropping them. They were just talking about silly memories from long ago.

"I made myself look exactly like Yahiko. What's one thing different that he has from me?" Pein asked the giggling Konan. "Well, besides all the piercings, he probably has a bigger manhood!" Konan smirked.

You stopped in your tracks and turned around to face Konan. She was laughing so hard at her own joke, she was rolling on the ground. Pein just realized you were right there, so he gulped in embarrassment, as well as clearing his throat to tell Konan you were present.

"Konan, did you forget we brought Y/n along?" Pein asked. Konan instantly stopped laughing to look at you. "I'm just gonna keep walking." Poor, inncoent you said before walking off , leaving an embarrass Konan and Pein behind.

It wasn't a joke, but you were confused about it...

You were at the dango shop with Itachi and Kisame. They were both talking, you were finishing up a long novel so you could move on to the day book.

You didn't know what they were talking about until one sentence explained everything. "I only need 1 genital to please a woman. Not 2." You shortly analyzed the sentence, before slowly looking at Kisame terrified. "Itachi, Y/n is right there." Kisame gritted his sharp teeth. You slowly set down your book to look at Itachi. Wtf? "Oh my apologies Y/n, to back to reading your book. You're too young for our conversation." He slightly bow his head in apology.

That didn't work out for you, your mind was clouded with confusion. You felt two big hands cover your ears, you looked at Kisame, it looked like he was telling Itachi something. After he was finished, he removed his hands from you. "What are you guys talking about?" A scarred you ask. " Err, don't worry about it." Kisame avoided eye contact with you. From there, shit got awkward.

Inside Kakazu's room, you were playing cards with him, meanwhile Kisame and Hidan were just mocking each other for their own entertainment, or course you and the old man listening to it as well.

Little ol you were a bit too young for the conversation. "Hidan, probably every woman you find on the streets fake their orgasm." Kisame said. You didn't know what an 'orgasm' was. But it sounded funny to you. "What's an orgasm? It sounds funny." You giggled. The 3 men stopped what they were doing and looked at you. "You're too young to know, don't worry about it." Kisame started sweating a little. "But it sounds funny. Is it normal to have one? Can I have one?" At that point of your question, Kisame started freaking out. Hidan started laughing, Kakazu was just looking at Kisame in disapproval.

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