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Sara,What is the schedule for me today ? Taehyung asked to his secretary

Huh , sir you only have a meeting with Mr.Bang Si-hyu...

Oh, He is the founder of Big hit entertainment ,Right ? Tae asked with a confused face

Yes sir...

Mm ok when is the meeting?

It's At 11 Am... Sara told while she kept her gaze on her booklet

Mm k then, inform jimin about the meeting...

But sir, Mr.Park is not here ! He told me to tell you that he was going to the cafe...

What, that jur- k then,U can go...

K boss!

After sara left he grabbed his phone from the table and called his bestfriend...And the call was picked up fastly from the other side

Tae tae ~~ A sweet voice called him

Jimin, where are you ? Tae asked

Oh, didn't sara told you about me ? Jimin asked with a confused voice

Are you at Jin-hyung's cafe? Tae asked with a serious tone

Well yeah i am with jin-hyung , do you want something ? Again a confused voice questioned

Well yes, can you bring your ass back here ? Tae asked

Haha, i can't bestiee i am waiting for my girl's arrival... Jimin said with a laugh

Mochi, i am warning you! U need to come back here now! we are having a important meeting with Big hit ! Tae said with a annoyed tone

Can't help buddy, i need to meet her! you can handle that meeting by yourself...Jimin replied with a laugh

Damn you Park jimin...Tae yelled trough the phone

I love you too soulmate! With that jimin ended the call

Jimin-ah , Why are you suddenly came here? A voice asked behind from jimin when he looked back his eyes met with a handsome man whose face shows clear confusion

oh, i wanted to meet someone jin-hyung...Jimin waved his hand indicating it's not a big deal

Mm can i know who is the person you are meeting in my cafe ? Jin asked while he tide his apron  securely

Hmm,i am meeting someone special...Jimin said with a happy tone

So jooni wasn't lying  Well Jimin-ah  are you going to sit here or wait there for your special one? Jin asked pointing towards the chair ...

oh i am going to wait there Hyung, i am not going to disturb you... After saying this jimin strode towards the nearby chair in the glass wall

At Kim Corporation  

After one hour meeting Taehyung came to his office and spotted a figure sitting in the sofa...

Oh who is this? are your date with your crush done? Tae asked with a annoyed voice but to his surprise jimin didn't even looked at his direction...

Is love-boy in a fantasy world with your girl ? Tae asked with a teasing tone but he heard a sigh from jimin

 jimin, what happened ? is everything alright ? did that girl slapped you or something ? Tae asked while he inspect jimin's face 

she has a boyfriend! a long sigh came from jimin

Huh, did she told you that ?

No tae,Today she came with the guy who is working with jin-hyung... She was clinging at him i think i wasted my love for a committed girl... Jimin sad tone with teary eyes shows how much he likes that girl

Now Now, don't assume things like that Jimin-ah ... First you need to make sure that they are together or not, Ok don't discourage easily ! Tae said with a calm tone

Hmm... jimin nodded his head cutely

Well come on it's lunch time I am hungry, That meeting was tiring... Tae said with a whiny tone

At kim cafe (jin's cafe)

Hyung, you sure look beautiful in this girl's dress...Jungkook said with a smile he was making Iced Americano for suga

Oh jungkook, who is this pretty girl ? jin asked with a smile

jin-hyung she is my friend , Min yoona and noona meet jin hyung he is the owner of this cafe... Jungkook introduced the two people with each other

Nice to meet you... Yoona well yoongi said with a girlish voice

nice to meet you too Yoona-shi... Jin said with a playful grin

Iced Americano for a sweet girl like you ? jin asked with a confused face

oh i prefer bitter more than sweet,it keep me awake... Yoona said with a smile

Oh is that so, ok then i have some work to do yoona-shi... Jungkook heard a long sigh from yoongi and chuckled

Well Yoona noona here is your Bitter Iced Americano...  he got a glare and smack from yoongi

I am going to kill that moron.... Yoongi cursed loudly

A/n : 💜....

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