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Next morning ~~

Yoongi was waken up from his deep slumber by his phone ringing sound...He slowly opened his eyes and attended the call while a small yawn escaped from his mouth...

On phone~~

Yoongi   : Hello~~  with a groggy voice he said

  ?             : Morning Hyung~ did i wake you up ? from the other side of the call a sweet voice asked

Yoongi   : Huh,Jimin is that you ? With a surprised face yoongi looked at the called id

Jimin     : yep, Are you free today Hyung ? Yoongi can clearly imagine the small smile on jimin's face

Yoongi  : I am free ...What do you wanted to do ? Yoongi asked with a expectant voice

Jimin    : I wanted to take you somewhere, If you have time can you came with we Hyung~? Jimin asked with a hopeful voice 

Yoongi  : I'll come...With out hesitation yoongi answered with a energetic tone

Jimin    : *chuckle* Thank you Hyung~... i'll pick you up , Be ready at 10 ,you have 3 hours to get handsome so doll up as much as you want...With a light chuckle jimin ended the call

yoongi got up from his bed with a happy face and started to doing his morning routine with a happy grin...  

There is a saying that when you wish the time to go speedily it will go slower than a snail...That's situation  what yoongi is facing now...Yoongi looked at his wrist watch which showing 9:30 , with a deep sigh he scolded his enthusiastic self for getting ready for earlier than the said time...

'Honk' 'Honk' yoongi heard a car honking sound ,so he walked towards the front door and saw jimin getting out from his car with a smile...But what surprised him was that jimin is wearing a white shirt which loosely tucked in the black jeans same as what he is wearing now... 

Jimin     : huh, Hyung ~ look like we are matching today's dress code... Jimin looked at yoongi with a surprised face

Yoongi   : hmm, with a small nod yoongi continued...come in jimin-ah, you want something to drink ? yoongi asked with a small smile

jimin      : nah,i am not thirsty... You are ready right ? then we can go now...Jimin extended his hands to yoongi who was looking at him with a small blushing face

yoongi   : hm...with a shy nod yoongi accepted jimin's hand and walked towards the black Ferrari

Jimin opened the front passenger seat for yoongi like a gentleman which earned light chuckle from yoongi....

Yoongi    : well, where are we going ? Yoongi looked at jimin who was securing his seat belt

Jimin      : That is a surprise~~~ With a singsong tone jimin answered with a beautiful smile


15 minutes Later ~~

The car stopped in front of a Cemetery , Yoongi confusingly looked at jimin who was surprisingly looking at him with a loving gaze...

Yoongi   : Cemetery ?!

Jimin     : Hm, i wanted you to meet someone...Come on

Yoongi saw jimin taking a bunch of tulip flowers from the back seat ... They slowly walked towards the tombstone which was surrounded by white roses...  

Jimin set the tulips to the tombstone and extended his hand towards yoongi to take it ...

Jimin      : Hyung ~ I wanted you to meet someone , someone special...So , meet my eomma
Park Areum and eomma didn't i promised you to that i'll introduce you to my lover...here we go, i completed my promise ! meet your soon to be son-in-law the famous song producer Min yoongi... Jimin Finished with a giggle

yoongi    : Jimin-ah... Yoongi looked at jimin with a sad eyes

Jimin      : hm...you know Hyung ~ i never thought that someday i 'll came here with someone who i wanted to live my entire life... I thought that i 'll live my entire life like a single person...but Look at me now standing infront of my eomma with the man who i love more than myself... Jimin looked at yoongi's face and saw a wide eyed yoongi who was resembling a kitten , the thought brought a smile on jimin's face

Yoongi     : Well i am not going to promise you that i'll give this world or something like that but i promise you that i 'll love you and cherish with all my life...I love you Chim~~ ....Aunt---Yoongi got a light smack from jimin so he looked the younger with a confused face

jimin         : what Aunty huh ? Call her Eomma , she is your soon to be mother-in-law... Jimin scolded yoongi with a scowl

Yoongi     : Oh, mianhae Eomma ,I just wanted to tell that you don't have to worry about him ,I 'll take care of him, i promise you that i'll give him all the love he deserved ... can i get your permission to marry him ? yoongi closed his eyes and held jimin's hand in a tight hold

There stood a pair of handsome men , they were surrounded  with white roses and tulip which resembles deep love and purity... A gentle breeze passed away caressing them, to yoongi it was a permission to love and cherish jimin and to jimin it was like a gentle embrace from his mom to assure him that he chose the correct man as his partner....

kamsahamnida.... Yoongi looked at the tombstone and mumbled with a small smile 

When they left the cemetery , the two men hold their hands together and promised in their heart that

one thing i 'll never going to regret is  that giving you my love and life...

A/n❤ : continuee...💜

Love you all💜~~ Stay Happy😊

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Love you all💜~~ Stay Happy😊...stay healthy🤸...Love yourself✨...

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