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Next day Kim caf~~

Tae &Jimin : Good morning hyung

Jin : don't you guys have any work in your company...Jin asked with a deadpanned expression

Tae : hehe

Jin : what happened to you jimin-ah, why is your eyes are puffy and red? Didn't you slept yesterday?

Jimin : it's nothing hyung,i watched few films overnight that's why my eyes are like this...

Jin : Hmm, if something bother you tell hyung OK! Jin said with a serious face

Noticing the gloomy aura surrounding them tae excitedly said

Tae : Hyung,Jiminie is going to confess...A surprised gasp left jin's mouth....

Jin : Really jimin?! He asked with a happy grin

Who is going to confess? The trio was surprised by the sudden voice ...

Jin :Yo jungkook, don't do that! you gave me a heart attack... Jungkook shows his bunny smile as a answer...

tae nudged jimin's shoulder and asked to yoona,

Tae : Yoona , jimin wants to tell you something, right jimin ? Tae asked

Yoona : what is it Jimin ? Yoona asked with a raised eyebrow

Jimin : can we sit there? Jimin pointed his index finger at outside tables... Yoona nodded her head

When jimin and yoona left, Tae glance at jungkook but jungkook was too busy with discussing something with jin...When Jinkook complete their discussion jungkook looks at tae who was sitting alone with a pout adorning his lips, seeing the childish behavior jungkook chuckles and walk towards taehyung...

Jk : Tae Hyung Good morning... With a beaming smile jungkook greeted

Tae : Morning... Tae replied with out looking up from his phone

Jk : Is jimin hyung going to confess his love ? He asked with a serious tone

Startled tae looked up from his phone and nodded...

Jk : Hyung, Noona loves  someone else! She is going to reject him...

Tae : I know jungkook! But jimin loves her, let him confess his feelings... tae said with a serious tone

Jk : Hmm.. jungkook nodded his head

Out side the cafe ~~

Two figures sat silently opposite to each other .... one person is fidgeting,his stiff posture indicating his nervousness... And other person is calmly waiting for other party to start the conversation...

Jimin : Yoona , i want to tell you that i love you...First i thought it  was a simple crush *Chuckles* .... My parents are divorced, they were best friends, they have similar tastes in every thing,Their love blooms in the middle school...So when the time comes they married each other...But Dad left mom and me for his lover...Dad was mom's first love,so when he left her whole world shattered ,she killed herself ... *Sigh* After i promised my self that i am not going to love anyone,i gone through so much depression,i tried to kill myself too! but you know? tae was my angel, he becomes my best-friend my other half...His family become mine too ... And you are my first crush no first love... jimin looked up and meet yoona's eyes which was filled with tears

Yoona : I--- Jimin takes yoona's hand in his

Jimin : I know you have a lover, i told you my story not because i want your sympathy or something! I told you because you are someone special to my heart and always you will be my first love...No need to reply me, i know you are going to reject me, but i am happy that i got the opportunity to confess my true feeling.... Jimin said with a smile

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