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Jimin entered the cafe and searched the older man with his eyes, and he saw yoongi sitting at the table near the glass wall...The dazzling evening light reflected yoongi's face making his perfect face more handsome...yoongi saw jimin walking towards him and sat opposite to him with a smile...

Jimin   : Did you wait for me long Hyung ? Jimin asked

Yoongi : Eh, yoongi was little surprised when he heard the Hyung from the younger's mouth... No i just came 5 minutes ago, You like coffee? I'll Qorder for you...Yoongi asked while he kept his phone on the table

Jimin   : Well i like Coffee,you don't mind me calling you Hyung right ? Jimin asked with a embarrassed face

yoongi : Nah, I don't mind...yoongi gave the order for their drinks 

Jimin : So ---Jimin was interrupted by a loud enthusiastic voice

Yoongi hyung ,Eh what are you doing here? With hint of surprise a playful voice asked

Yoongi : I am doing laundry Here! yoongi replied with a scoff

??          : HAha, Is that so...Are you on a date with this young man...jimin blushed lightly

Yoongi : Yes, Can you leave now ? Yoongi asked with a annoyed voice

??          : How cruel...Wouldn't you Introduce me to him? the man asked with a pout

Yoongi : AHH , Jimin he is Jung Hoseok and hobi he is Park jimin...Done Now leave...

Hobi     : Why are you in a rush Hyung, Hi Jimin i am Hoseok ,hobi You can call whatever you like, Nice meet you... Hobi waved his hand with a bright smile

Jimin   : Nice to meet you Hobi Hyung...Jimin said with a friendly tone

Hobi    : Oh you are so sweet...Well you two enjoy your date... Hobi left the two with a teasing smile

Yoongi : Don't mind him JImin , he is like that...Yoongi face palmed himself with a sigh

Jimin   : well i don't mind...he is yoona's boyfriend right? That day jungkook told me they were gone for a date ?

Yoongi : You know Yoona ? Yoongi asked with a surprised tone I don't knew that i was this good at acting

Jimin   : Oh well yes we met at Jin hyung's cafe ,he is tae's brother-in-law...Now we are good friends...Jimin said with a small smile remembering the dark haired girl's face

Yoongi : Hmm she didn't mentioned you being her friend...Well yeah Hobi is her lover...Yoongi said

After few minutes their drink came and Jimin noticed yoongi's drink was iced americano...

Jimin   : Hyung, You are eldest one right ?  Jimin asked

Yoongi : Yup i am the eldest! Wae? yoongi asked with a confused face 

Jimin   : You act more like Yoona's twin... jimin replied with a smile while yoongi take a sip from his drink his expression clearly saying he don't understand what jimin is implying noticing the elder's confused face jimin explained

Jimin   : You two likes iced americano and When you talk something you like your eyes will sparkle with excitement and when you are annoyed by something your face will become like a grumpy cat *Chuckles* You two have a aura saying I don't time time for your bullshit  Haha...Jimin explained with a small laugh
Yoongi was stunned he doesn't know that jimin will notice all of this he removed his shocked expression from his face and looked at jimin with a smiling face

Jimin   : And you two have the most adorable gummy smile... Jimin said with a small smile

Yoongi : Hehe, Well we kinda act like a twin she has most of my habits, but Y/n was totelly different from us ... Yoongi said with a thoughtful expression

Jimin   : Oh Y/n is the maknae right ? Where is she ?

Yoongi : She is in Paris, She loves photography so she is a part time photographer...Also She has a company producing herbal beauty products, She is the CEO of her own company...She is a stubborn one, Dad wanted to make her a doctor but she refused she chose her dream and flied from south Korea to Paris... Yoongi said with a tired voice remembering tantrums from certain someone

Jimin  : Oh Wow... You siblings are wonderful... You are a famous music producer and writer, Yoona is a fashion designer And Y/n owns a company...Your parents must be proud of you all right...

Yoongi : Well First against me being a song writer and Y/n choosing her career...But eventually they understood that we are happy with what we are doing...Yoongi said,Jimin Looked at yoongi with admiration

Jimin    : Hmm... Jimin nodded his head

After few minutes specking with each other yoonmin leave cafe with a happy mood...

A/n : Continueeee❤... I am very thankful to those who take their time to read my story💜.... I don't know if my story is good enough👀, but i am very happy to know that someone is reading my story...﴾ ❤ ⏝ ❤ ﴿

﴾ ❤ ⏝ ❤ ﴿

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