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Hyung, where is jungkook?  Jin looked at Tae with a done face

Jin   : He is in the storage room, and don't come back before solving the problem !

Tae  : Thanks Hyung... Tae walked towards the storage room and hesitantly  opened the door and saw jungkook checking some boxes

He entered the room and locked it...When he looked back jungkook was looking at him with a murderous glare

Jk     : What are you doing here ? kook asked with a furrowed eyebrows

Tae  :  I wanted to talk to you ? Tae said and walked towards jungkook

Jk    : I don't have time for your bulls*t... jungkook diverted his attention to the boxes

Tae : Kook-ah, listen to me ! Tae said with a whiny tone

Jk   : I-- jungkook was interrupted by jin's voice

Jin : Kook-ah Eunwoo told me to ask you if you are busy today ? 

Jk   : Hyung , tell him that i'll call him later..

Jin : Mm k...

Tae looked at kook with a confused face...

Tae : Who is Eunwoo ? kook can clearly here the jealousy from the older boy's voice

Jk    : My boyfriend , got any problem ? Kook replied with a scoff

Tae : WHO IS HE ?? Tae stride towards jungkook with  heavy steps and looked straight into his eyes...You didn't even have time for me but you have time for that Person Tell me what is special in him ?

Jk   : Are you deaf or something ? listen me clearly HE IS MY BOYFRIE---  Jungkook felt something crashed on his lips,He was too dazed because of the kiss that he didn't even noticed tae's lips leaving his own and unbuttoning his shirt...A loud cry left from jungkook's mouth when he felt a slight pain on his neck...

Tae : Who are you thinking about ??? Tae asked with a jealousy filled voice

Jk    : Eh...What ? jungkook asked with a surprised voice

Tae  : What's that guy's name again , Eunwoo ? Don't even think about him ! You are mine, and i am your lover, Got it !

Jungkook is sure that he is not dreaming , he can still feel the slight pain on his neck, when he thought about the kiss a large blush crept on his cheeks increasing his beauty....

Tae   : Are you blushing baby Koo~~~tae asked with a teasing tone

Jk     :  you ! how dare you to stole my first kiss??....  Jungkook asked with a whiny tone

Tae  : Are you still angry at me ? Tae showed his puppy eyes

Jk    : Jungkook don't look at his face....i am !

Tae : Ok listen to me ! Don't interrupt me while i am talking... He got a nod from kook... I lied to you that she is my type! i don't even know anything about her...When i saw your face filled with jealousy i thought to tease you little bit, but you left abruptly....Tae said with a pouty face

Jk   : And what about the lip mark ? kook raised his eyebrow angrily

Tae : Oh that, she slipped and fell on top of me ... Tae said with a shrug

Jk   : If you are not angry at me then why did you glared at  me that time ? kook asked with a angry pout

Tae : Ah, glared at you ? When ? Tae asked with a  furrowed eyebrows

Jk   : That day when i opened the office door you glared at me ! Kook distanced himself from tae's embrace with a angry huff 

Tae : I was angry at her and i was glaring at her, i'll never glare at you.... Tae answered with a little pout

Jk   :  You, are you saying the truth ?Then promise me...Kook extend his pinky towards tae

Tae : i promise you kook, i'll never glare at you and i love you! can you be my boyfriend ? With that Tae connected their pinky with a sweet smile

Jk   : Hm,I love you too Hyung! I'll be your boyfriend... With a shy smile kook hugged tae

"Tak Tak ".... Are you done with your love quarrel ? Kim Taehyung if dare to hurt my baby koo's feeling i'll whoop your ass with my spatula!! .....Jin's voice rang from the outside of the room with a hint of threaten

Tae : Aishhh this Hyung...A sigh left from Tae's mouth and he looked at jungkook who was snuggling in his arm with a cute smile

Tae : Kook-ah come on, if we don't go out now he will kill me...Tae left a light peck on kook's head

Jk   : Hmm... kook nodded with a blushing face and walked towards door

Tae : *Chuckles* And wait a minute....Tae walked towards jungkook who was looking at him with a confused face

Tae : Call me after your work,Ok...i am going now don't forget to call me i'll pick you up...Tae hugged kook's waist and leaned towards his ear and whispered 'Bye baby' and left a light peck on the youngster's lip ..... Jungkook was stunned he stand there watching tae opening the door and leaving the cafe with a grin

Jin   : Earth to Bunny, Why are you blushing Kook-ah ? jin asked with a teasing tone...

Jk    : It's nothing Hyung .... We cleared out our misunderstanding.... Kook answered with a shy smile

Jin  : Really?!! Are you guys now lovers? Jin asked with a high pitched  excited voice ,kook nodded his head with his eyes sparkling like a jewel and cheeks looked like a riped  cherry

Jin  : OMG, i am so happy for you....where is my phone i need to share this news with my Joonie..... Jin take his phone from his apron pocket and happily skipped towards the back door of the cafe to speak with joon.... Jungkook looked towards the cafe front door with a smile and engrossed himself with his work

A/n  : Continue....💜

Happy Birthday Mr

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Happy Birthday Mr.Handsome 😻....

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