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chim i have a work for you...

That was jimin heard when he entered tae's office room...

With a grown jimin asked, What is that important Work that your talking about ?

sara , arrange a meeting with Min yoongi ...

Ok boss !

And Jimin , You are going to attend the meeting... Tae said with a strict tone

When he heard the name yoongi ,jimin become malfunctioned...

Tae, why me ?where are you going ? Jimin asked with a depressed tone

I am busy that day, i have a important work to do ... Tae said with a emotionless face

But if that work is important then i'll come with you...

Tae : You are going to attend the meeting with Min Yoongi...That fixed...Now are you coming to the cafe with me?...

Jimin : Yeah, I am coming ...

Kim Cafe~~

Jungkook pov--

when the ting sound rang indicating customer arrival , i looked up from my phone to see the customer and saw Tae hyung and Jimin hyung coming towards me...Tae hyung is so handsome, he is wearing a white shirt with black jeans and jiminie hyung is also handsome but my *cough* tae  is more handome Hehe

Good Morning Kook...Morning jungkook-ah...Jungkook waken up from his day dreaming when he heard their greeting

Morning Hyung's...Jk greeted them back with a bunny smile

Jimin : Did Yoona not came today ? Jimin asked while he checked the whole cafe with his eyes

Jk : Oh, yoona noona has a date with hobi hyung...

Jimin : Who is hobi ? Is he her crush ? Jimin asked with a sad tone

Jk : Yes,That day i told you she is not single, right ! Don't waste your time hyung... Jungkook said with a serious tone

Jimin : But -- *Ring* *Ring* Jimin' s phone ranged

When Jimin left them Tae looked jungkook with a playful smile

Tae : well Jungkook-ah , do have a crush on someone?

Jk : Eh,jungkook's face shows a surprised look, I do-on't have any crush ! With a deep blush adorning his cheek jungkook suttered

Tae : Haha, Really? kook-ah you are so cute... 

What's happening here?....When they looked at the source of voice they saw Jin coming towards them

Jin : Kook-ah can you check the cake for me ? Jin asked with a sweet smile...Jungkook left with a nod

Jin : Where is your tail ? Jin asked with a raised eyebrow

Tae : My what hyung?

He is referring  me you dumbo... Says jimin while he sat beside Tae

Jin : What are you two doing Here this early ? Jin questioned like a parent

Tae : What question are you asking Hyung ? we missed you that's why we came here...Tae said with a boxy smile

Jin : Really ? Don't you think,you guys miss me too much these days...Jin said with a sigh

Jimin : We loves you hyung... Jimin replied with a grin

Jin : Really chim, glad to here that... My brothers loves me so much that they came here looking for me,and here i am thinking that you two came to see your lovers.... Jin said with a sad tone

Tae : Hehe, Hyung enjoy your work...We are leaving....

Jimin : Yeah hyung, don't work too much , Ok take rest ... You are not young anymore...With that jimin and tae run from there jin throw his shoes at them and they barely missed touching their head

Jimin,Tae : saranghae Hyung ...They both yelled and closed the cafe door

Jin : These punks... Jin rubbed his forehead with a deep sigh

Tae's Office~~

Tae : Sara did you arrange the meeting with Mr.Min...

Sara : Sir , Mr.Min said he can't come tomorrow,only he have a free day at Monday... 

Tae : Ok then, Fix Monday for his Meeting, you can leave now ... Tae said with a straight face

Sara :Ok Boss !

Jimin : Tae , Yoona has a boyfriend so don't you thing i am wasting my time on her ? Jimin asked with a sad voice

Tae : Jimin-ah , i think you need to confess your feeling towards her...I know she has a crush or may be she loves him we don't know that... But i don't want you to regret! she is not like a other girls who throw themselves at you...So confess your feelings to her, if she accept you then you guys will become couples ,if she don't accept then don't bother her... Tae said with a small smile

Jimin : Tae tae , Why i have lot of tears ? Tae patted jimin head with a dotting expression

Tae : Do you want to cancel the meeting with Yoongi ?

Jimin : No, He is a good song producer , i don't want to miss the good opportunity...

Tae : Cheer up Mochi... Tae tickled jimin and jimin broke out fit of laughter

Apartment Room( Night ) ~~

Jungkook : Where were you today,Hyung? Jungkook  suppressed a yawn

yoongi : Oh , i was busy with my new song...Why ? Yoongi asked with a raised eyebrow

Jungkook : Jimin Hyung asked for you today, i told him that you and hobi hyung gone to a date... Jungkook shrugged his shoulder

 Yoongi : You told him what😳 ? yoongi asked not yelled with a surprised voice

Jungkook : Hyung ,you know that Jimin hyung have crush on you well he likes yoona and he doesn't know that yoona is you...Jungkook said with a calm tone

Yoongi : But why with hobi🙆 ?

Jungkook : Well i don't  get any other name so i told his name...

Yoongi : You bunny... Yoongi face palmed

Jungkook : Hyung, do you have a crush on Jiminie😉 ? Jungkook asked with a teasing tone

Yoongi : WTF i don't have a crush😑.... Yoongi said

Jungkook : Is that so , are you blushing hyung 🙀?

Yoongi : I AM NOT 👿!!!!

The apartment room was filled with jungkook's laugh and yoongi's  loud cursing....

A/n❤ : When ever i felt lonely or sad i watches BTS videos... When i see their laughter or smiling faces i also become happy😊... I love them💜 and i respect them💜 ....They are my energy pills...

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