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Oops, i am sorry guys

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Oops, i am sorry guys... When i published the 22nd chapter i forgot to add our beautiful Park Minnie's picture...Isn't she beautiful 😼?



Ah-- In the quite dark room a slow dull sound resonated from the tied man...Hyun groggily opened his eyes with a slight pain but to his surprise his surrounding were masked with pitch black nothingness

Oh , is our sleeping beauty finally awaken...Hyun heard a Slightly deep voice from behind him 

Who the hell are you ? He frantically looked for the presence of the voice

Oh~~ Princess wanted to see us... This time the voice held a mocking provocation

Jimin-ah can you kindly switch on the light....Hyun heard mocking laugh from different directions

When the light came he shut his eyes for a minute and slowly opened his eyes with difficulty...He saw the same handsome man who was in the car standing in front of him with a wide smirk , In his right side stood a tall handsome man with deep dimples peeking from his cheek due to his wide grin  , someone tapped his shoulder so he looked behind him and saw a beautiful smiling face which resembles the girl who he has with in the car ....

Hyun     : Who are you all ? Why did you kidnapped me ? Hyun seethed with a angry face

Tae         : Oh, Where is our manners...please pardon our rude behavior Mr.Hyun ... Welcome to our Humble Kim basement , feel free to tour here... Tae mockingly welcomed with a bow  

Hyun     : K-Kim ?? Hyun stuttered with a pale face

Joon     : Ring a bell ? If you don't remember we can help you to rewind those days... Namjoon hooked his lips in to a small smirk

Jimin   : Yoo~~ stop making his uncomfortable... Hello~ Hyun-ah Nice to meet you, my name is Jimin And those two are the infamous Kim brother The elder one is Namjoon Hyung and the other one is Taehyung... Jimin said with a sweet smile

Hyun   : i don't know Anyone of you...Get the f*ck away from me.... Hyun looked at Jimin with a glare

Jimin   : Don't glare at me Baby boy~~ Or do you want me to dig your eyes out ?... Jimin asked with a innocent smile

Tae       : I'll give you a offer...Choose someone from us , u have got 1 minutes precisely 60 seconds...your time starts  now , choose wisely Mr.Hyun.... Tae  tapped his head with his index finger 

Hyun   : What is this crap...I am not going to choose anyone of you ! You are holding your grudge on me because of your sister ,Right ?! I was proved innocent in the court ! it was your own sister's fault , She was raped by some other man... It has nothing to do with me ! Hyun glared at the three male who was smiling at him creepily instead of Getting angry

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