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*Ring...ring* a phone ringing sound interrupted jimin's peaceful moment... Jimin looked at the caller id and picked up the call

On Call~~

jimin  : Hey Tae....

Tae     : Jimin-ahhh~~~ I wanted to tell you something, are you busy ?

Jimin : Nah, i am not busy....What you wanted to tell me ?

Tae     : Well, today i cleared my misunderstanding with jungkook and i told him that i love him,and i asked him to be my boyfriend...You know what he told me ?

Jimin : Did he smack your face...With a light chuckle jimin asked with a teasing tone

Tae      : Yeh stop teasing me....he accepted my proposal..... Tae answered in a sing song tone

Jimin : I am so happy for you Tae....Finally my ship is sailing....Jimin answered with a happy grin  

Tae     : hmm...well how are you ??

Jimin : Mm,I am great...I was out strolling through the seashore when you called me...

Tae     : Hmm...Did yoona called you? Tae asked hesitantly

Jimin : she did messaged me but i didn't replied , i want to look at her as a friend to that i need to relax myself ... a soft sigh from jimin's mouth

Tae     : Mm k chim, i'll call you later....Take good care of yourself , something bother you then immediately call me...

Jimin : Mmk, bye...

Tae     : Mm bye...

Call end~~

Tae entered in his office with a small grin, But a light knock interrupted his lively mood when he looked up he saw sara walking towards him with a complicated expression...

Tae       : What happened ? noticing her distressed face Tae calmly asked

Sara     : Well Boss, Mr.Min is outside he wanted to meet Mr.Park but i told him that he is leave so he told me he wanted to meet you... With a nod Tae looked at her

Tae       : Ok, Let him in you can go ! Sara left in a hurry and after 2 minutes there was light knock the door and it was pushed opened by a grumpy yoongi...

Yoongi : Where is he ?

Tae        : You want a drink Hyung ? Tae asked while he shut his computer

Yoongi : He is not picking up my phone, Why ? can you tell me where he is ? Yoongi asked with a sad tone

Tae        : Well, sit down 1st hyung, and he is in Busan...

Yoongi : Busan? Why ? Yoongi asked with a confused face

Tae       : Yes, Busan his hometown...He wanted to sort out some problems Hyung Give him some time .... A long sigh left from Tae's mouth

Yoongi : Ok! i"ll wait for him...And why he is not picking my phone ?

Tae        : He wanted to clear out his mind with out any distractions... Tae shrugged his shoulder

Yoongi : Hm, and Jungkook told me that you proposed him today ? Yoongi asked with a raised eyebrow

Tae        : Well yeah, Thanks to you Hyung that i was able to remember the lip mark incident and clear out the misunderstanding between us... Tae looked at yoongi with his face full of gratitude

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