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oppa~~~Did you see Tae anywhere? a sweet bubbly voice asked

I think i saw him in the garden... Namjoon looked up from his book and said with a smile

Ok,Thank you Oppa~~

In the Garden~~

There in the middle off the garden sat a figure , his Face showing a sullen look and the beautiful lips formed in to a pout....

Taeee~~She back hugged the sulking male and called him with a teasing tone

What?? Tae looked back his twin with a glare

Oh, is my Tae Baby~~ is angry at me ?? The girl asked with a teasing tone

Um...tae said with  a huff

Tae~ i am sorry ! i was going to tell you about Him..The girl bear hugged the sulking male with a smile

Tae           : Stop hugging me, You are going to kill me...And Kim Eun Jun. I not yet forgive you...Tae said and tried to entangle himself from the human bear 

Eun Jun : Cmon Tae, i said sorry....please forgive me....With a dramatic sigh Eun Jun looked Tae with her puppy eyes

Tae          : Stop you dramatic Ass! why are you so good at acting ?...Tae looked at her with a fond expression

Eun Jun : hmmm...Well i promise you that jeon is a good person...She said with a smile

tae looked at his sister who was smiling at him with a blushing face.....

Present day---

He missed her so much...Tae was sitting at the same garden and at the same spot ...He still remember the day when she told about her lover and that was the last day he saw her happy face...Exactly After one week he saw her dead body...The always smiling face was covered with bruises, Medical report told she was brutally raped....The Cort decided to let the culprit go They said " with out proper clues we can't  take actions against a innocent person".... He still remembers the culprit smiling at the camera ...That day he promised himself that he will avenge his sister... If the rule doesn't gives the justice she deserved then he will give that justice to her soul...He silently sat their looking up to the sky , which was filled with dark clouds and he slowly muttered  it'll over soon Jun , i know i didn't protect  you last time...Don't be angry at me , please have a faith in me for the last time...They will suffer for what they did to you...  

When the rain started to pour on , Tae get up from the ground and started to walk towards his room...

Next morning~~

Tae opened his office room and found jimin sitting on the sofa with a complicated expression...Tae walked towards the sofa and sat beside jimin...

Tae     : Hey chim, why are you so gloomy ? Something happened? Tae asked with a calm posture but his his eyes were filled with worry

Jimin : He is coming to Seoul...A small sigh left from jimin's mouth

Tae     : And ? You are worried about his arrival ?? Tae asked with a raised eyebrows

Jimin : Tae , you clearly know what i am worried about, Right ?

Tae     : I don't know...

Jimin : I am worried about Kook...He is also a Jeon ...he is not like--- Jimin was interrupted but Tae

Tae     : Don't tell me you believed me loving him...Am i that good at acting? Tae got up from the sofa and looked jimin with a sarcastic Grin

Jimin : Tae, don't joke , It's not funny at all... Jimin said with a serious tone

Tae     : But it's funny to me....He IS a Jeon , and you thought i will just love him like that ? Chim you know how much i hate The Jeon's... And i never gonna love Jeon Jungkook... Tae spoke with his voice full of Hatred

Jimin : Tae Y-you, How could You ? i thought you really love him...He is innocent you know that right ? Jimin was stunned

Tae      : Yeah, you are right! He is innocent, but unfortunately he is part of Jeon Family...We all don't know when the innocent bunny is going to backstab us... Tae shrugged his shoulder

Jimin : Tae , what are you planning ? i know you love him right? Jimin asked with a panicky voice

Tae     : If nothing else can you leave Chim ? i need to check these files...Tae pointed his hands towards the pile of  files on his desk

Jimin : I'll leave... i- bye Tae...

But nobody noticed the shadow of a third party who was eavesdropping their conversation....  

A/n : Continuee...❤

Hey guys , i hope you all are doing well...And i hope you all like this chapter...

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