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jimin-ah Are you going to meet your special one again too? Tae You have someone too,huh? Jin asked with a teasing tone

Nah Hyung, Chim want to meet his special one so i think why not accompany him...Tae said with a boxy smile

Well what is that guy's name ? Jimin asked with a frustrated sigh

Whose? when tae and jin look towards the cafe door they saw jungkook and yoona coming towards them

Good morning Hyung... Jungkook greeted with a bunny smile

Morning...Yoona greeted with a grumpy tone 

*Chuckle*Good morning You Too... jIn greeted with a beautiful smile

Well jungkook ,yoona meet my brothers Taehyung and jimin...jin introduced them with each other

Jungkook come today we have lots of works to do come...and tae ,jimin don't you guys have work today... Jin asked with a raised eyebrow

Hm,we have a holiday for today hyung, we are not going to disturb you... Jimin said

Mmk then jungkook come...Jin hurriedly tied his apron and goes to kitchen

Yoona,I will make your drink go and wait for me, and hyungs need something?...Jungkook asked

Well Coffee for me and strawberry milkshake for tae... jimin answered

Ok... witha nod jungkook started to make their drinks 

well yoona-shi can we sit together... Jimin asked with a small smile and he got a nod as an answer

Well Yoona-shi , Are you new in Seoul? Jimin asked

Well yes... I completed my studies in Australia... Yoona answered with a calm tone

Hm,Is Jungkook your brother ? is he single ? this time the question came from Taehyung

Haha, No jungkook is not my brother! And Yes he is single... Yoona said with a smirk

After hearing the single part Tae's face shows a beautiful smile...

So yoona-shi, do you have any sibling's ?Tae asked enthusiastically

Hmm,I do have...elder brother and younger sister... Yoona nodded

Oh what are the their names? jimin asked

Min yoongi and Min Y/n....

Oh Min yoongi he is a song producer right ? Tae a with a furrowed eyebrow

Yh he is! do yo guys have any siblings? ...Yoona asked

Hmm,jimin is a single child and i have a brother his name is kim Namjoon , jin hyung is his husband...Tae answered

Are you single? Jimin asked with a serious tone

Here is your drink...Enjoy, And Jimin hyung she is not single... Jungkook said with a bunny smile

lup-dup... Lup-dup Tae stares at jungkook's smile  am  i getting a heart attack? i can hear my own heart beat ...

That bunny, i am single but i do have a crush... Yoona said with a shy smile

really? Who is the guy ? Tae asked with a sparkly eyes

His name is j-*Ring* I am sorry i need to pick up the call

Tae and jimin sat their silently and after 2 min yoona came hurriedly towards them

Sorry guys i need to go, it was nice meeting you two... Yoona said with a hurry and left the cafe 

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