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Tae was sitting on his usual spot on the garden... The greenery calming his mind , the floral scent making him remember someone's absence in his heart...He wanted to take revenge for his sister's death and successfully he done it...But now what ? That was the question he is asking to himself through out these days...He wishes to meet kook but he is ashamed to face him... Tae loves kook more than his life, that's why he chose to end the relationship... In Tae's eyes Jung kook resembles an Angel a pure soul ,How can someone like him 'a killer' can stole Kook's love... He want a perfect match for Kook and he himself is know that he is not that person...

Tae~ come on dinner is ready... Tae looked back and saw jin waving at him for gain his attention.. He got up from the grassy ground and walked towards the dining room


Dining room ~~

Tae sat opposite to an empty chair and silently watched jin serving food for himself ...

'Ding dong' Tae was shaken up from his gaze by the sound of calling-bell , he looked at Namjin with a confused face and saw Jin looking at him with a awkward gaze

Tae     : Who is in this time ,Hyung ? Do we have a guest or something ? Tae looked at joon with a questioning gaze , noticing his gaze the latter suddenly got up from the chair and walked towards the door for open it

Jin       : Oh , i forgot to mention that i called jimin and yoongi for dinner oh and Hobi and Y/n coming too... Jin said with a small smile

Jimin  : Ahhh, i smell food... I am hungry...Jimin walked towards Tae and sat beside him with yoongi

Ah, Kook-ah you came too... Jin gasped with a amused face while he kept checking Tae's face for any reaction but to his disappointment Tae didn't even looked at Kook's face

Kook    : How can i miss the chance to taste your cooking , Hyung ~~ Jung kook answered with a goofy smile

Y/n        : yeah , that's why he abandoned his date with the handsome guy... I felt sorry for him...Hobi chuckled watching his lover's antics

yoongi silently looked at the clenching fingers of Tae with a knowing smile...

Yoongi  : Oh, i feel sorry for him too...What was his name Mingyu or something? Yoongi asked Jung kook who was looking at Tae with a sad face

kook     : Yeah , Mingyu... Jung kook looked at Tae who was kept looking at his phone 

Hobi     : Can we eat now? My tummy is cursing me... Hobi looked at jin with his puppy eyes which earned few chuckles from the man


After Eating Tae stood up and washed his plate with a cold face... With out looking at the bickering people at the dining table he walked towards the room with a lazy posture...

Hobi    : We came here to solve Taekook's problem , But look what have done... Hobi looked at his empty plate with a sudden realization

Joon    : Kook-ah , you know where his room is right ? Go and speak to him ... Joon patted the youngster's head with a small smile 

Jin        : Yeah, and don't be afraid ! If he pull any stunt call me , i' ll come and teach him lesson... With the assuring gaze and encouraging words lighten up the bad mood from the dining room

Jung kook slowly but steadily walked towards Tae's room and he softly knocked at the door with in a second he got the permission to enter the room...Jungkook locked the bedroom door with a click and looked the person who was silently watching his all movements with a hawk eyes...When their eyes met kook felt his heart skipping a beat

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