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How the hell they manage these boobs ? oh god, and these heels...Kill me already...

I know i am hot ! so , tell these pervert's to stop looking at my boobs....

Jimin-ah can you stop complaining , This is the 20th time you are complaining about your boobs ... A long sigh left from Tae's mouth

Jimin   : Say that again bitch ! Jimin glared at Tae with a angry face

Tae       : Ok , With a defeated sigh Tae continued...Are you ready to seduce Jeon Jung-hyun...Tae looked jimin with a playful eyes ,his lips forming in to a wide smirk

Jimin   : I am ,who can resist my charm any way ? Jimin giggled with a proud face

Tae       : Yeah , go on then... Tae handed a glass of champagne to Jimin and mouthed a all the best with a grin

Jimin slowly and seductively walked towards the person who was sitting alone with a glass of wine...

Jimin   : Hey , i noticed that you are sitting alone here...Can i sit here ? Jimin asked with a small smile

Hyun    : Oh , why not... i am honored to sit with a beauty like you...Hyun said with a small smirk

Jimin   : Quite a charmer huh...Minnie , Park Minnie nice to meet you Mr.? Jimin extended his right hand for a hand shake

Hyun    : Jung Hyun , It's lovely to meet you Ms.Park...Hyun takes Jimin's extended hand and left small kiss

Jimin   : Hm, Minnie is fine with me... Well back to the topic why are sitting alone here ? Jimin takes a sip from his glass

Hyun    : Well, My girlfriend  cheated on me with her neighbor... Hyun said with a sad tone

Jimin   : Oh you poor thing... I know how it felt to cheated by your loved one, it's okay she doesn't deserve you... Jimin looked the latter with a sympathized gaze 

Hyun    : I felt so lonely... Hyun sneakily kept his hands on jimin's thigh

Jimin   : Um , do you want to come with me to my hotel ? well we can hangout there...I- i am not forcing you ! i am just suggesting ...if you don't want to come, then it's okay... Jimin slowly tucked his long hair with a shy expression

Hyun   : You are so cute when you are shy...I would love to come with you...Hyun got up from the chair with and extended his hand to jimin to take it

Hyun   : cmon , why not you lead me ? Jimin takes the hand with a shy nod

Jimin  : come on ...

Parking Area~~

Jimin  : we can go in my car... Jimin tugged the male's sleeve with a soft smile

Hyun   : Why not ... Jimin dragged the male towards his black Ferrari , he opened the car door and gestured the male to enter first... With a small thank you Hyun slipped inside the car

Hello... But to his surprise inside the car he was greeted by a handsome man with a deep voice

Hyun    : You are ? He looked back when he felt someone's hot breath on his ear Surprise       Hyun-ah  , Good night ... Hyun felt something damp pressed on his nose , he felt himself  sinking on darkness

Huh , Finally we got the big fish ... A deep voice said with a sigh from the the front seat

Joonie Hyung~~ Did you inform jinnie Hyung about our plan...Jimin asked with a chuckle

Jooni     : Oh GOD, I forgot... Namjoon said with a slightly panicked voice

Jimin     : Oopsiee~~ Did i accidentally book the coffin for you Hyung... jimin said with a fake guilty face while chuckling like a mad woman  

A/n  : i know it's a short chapter😿 ... But i'll make sure to write a long chapter next💜~~

 But i'll make sure to write a long chapter next💜~~

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Bye for now Guysss 😻

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Bye for now Guysss 😻... Stay happy😁, healthy 😉 and love yourself 💜💋...

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