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Jimin was chilling with Tae at his house... That's when Tae heard jimin's phone ringing 

Tae     : Chim , Your love calling you... Tae looked at jimin with a playful smile

Jimin : Hehe , Wait i 'll pick up the call... He picked up the phone with a smile

On Phone ~~

Jimin   : Hello ~ Jimin said with a sweet voice

Yoongi : Mhm.. Jimin-ah Do you have any plan for tonight ? Yoongi asked with a nervous tone

Jimin   : Well , i don't have any plan ...Wae ? Jimin looked at Tae who was mimicking him like a shy lover

Yoongi : Ok then , Be ready for 8 pm okay , i'll pick you up... By... *Beep* *Beep* Jimin looked at his phone with a confused face while Tae Looked at his best friend with a questioning gaze

 Tae    : What happened? why is your face like a lost puppy... Tae asked with Raised eyebrow

Jimin : Well... He asked me if i am busy or not , so i told him i am not busy then he told me to get ready at 8 pm and after that he suddenly cut the call with out explaining anything ! Jimin stated with a pouty lips 

Tae     : Well , If he is going to come  Then what are you waiting for Go and get ready...I have a date with kook too , so i 'll get going then... Tae got up from the sofa and walked towards the entrance after saying his good bye


Hyung~~ Calm down ! Why are you panicking so Much ?... Jungkook asked with a funny tone while hobi laughed looking at yoongi's nervous state

Hobi    : Kook-ah, don't you know yoongi is going to propose his love... Hobi said with a happy tone

Kook   : i know, i know! I was planing to propose Tae too... Jungkook sipped his Banana milk with a satisfied grin while the other two looked at him with a surprised look 

Y/H       : WHAT?! They both asked with a loud voice

 ( A/n : Y/H-- Yoongi and Hobi  )

Kook     : *Chuckle*  sUrPrIsEe... Jungkook answered  playfully

Yoongs : Really ?! Why didn't you tell us beforehand ? yoongi looked at kook who was surprisingly sipping his drink with a calm face

Kook     : Hmm... I am tired of people looking at him like a damn piece of fresh meat... I am jealous... He is mine , so of course i 'll feel jealous Hmph... Jungkook looked at his Hyung's who was looking at him with mouth wide open

Hobi     : Really??? Hyung~ You sure he is not Y/n's twin ?... Hobi tilted his head and asked to yoongi who was nodding his head with a thoughtful expression

Kook    : What you mean by that Hyung ~? Kook peered at Hobi while his Doe eyes blinked with curiosity

Hobi     : Well , yesterday i heard her muttering about tattooing on my Forehead ---

"This Man Is Mine Bi*tches...So back off"

                                  -Kindly Owner of this property Y/n ~~~

A sigh left from Hobi's lips thinking about his Wife...

Yoongs   : Hahaha... Yoongi burst out laughing imagining a tattooed Hobi smiling at him with a teary eyes

Kook       : Really?! Haha... But the idea is not that bad... kook said with a evil grin

Yoongs   : Gosh... Bunny don't you dare to say this to Jimin... Yoongi looked at Jungkook who was smiling at him like a innocent baby

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