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Tae's office ~~

Jimin     : why did you called me for ? Jimin asked with a straight face

Tae         : Blue Heaven Bar , we need to go there tonight ! Tae propped his head on his hand and looked jimin with a indifferent eyes 

Jimin    : I am not in a mood for a drink... Jimin answered with a huff

Tae        : So, you don't want to come with me to great that mF ?....Tae asked with a raised eyebrow

Jimin   : When are we going ? Jimin sat at the chair opposite to Tae and asked with a smirk

Tae       : 9 Pm...


Jungkook's apartment ~~

Hyung~  Tae don't want me ....Jungkook was clinging on Yoongi who was looking at the younger boy with a sad eyes

Yoongi    : Kook, i'll make something for you...And stop crying ! I am here , i'll beat Tae's Ass for hurting you .... Yoongi said with a serious expression earning a small smile from Jungkook

After 5 minutes yoongi came with a bowl full of ramen and set the bowl in-front of a sulking male...kook looked up from his lap with a sad eyes and said a quite 'Thank you' ....  

Yoongi    : Hm, eat up kook...yoongi got a small nod from Jung kook

After filling his tummy jung kook washed the bowl and sat next to yoongi...

Yoongi    : Kook-ah , are you ok to tell me what happened between you and Tae ? Yoongi asked with a soft tone

Kook       : I a--  'Ring' 'Ring' jung kook was interrupted by the ringing sound from his phone...He looked at the caller id and saw 'Jinnie Hyung😎'  he picked up the call ,

On the phone~~

kook       : Hello Hyung~

Jin          : Open the door...

When Kook heard the strict tone from the older male he abruptly jumped from the sofa and walked towards the door , He slowly opened the door and saw a very "calm" jin standing there with a small smile

 Kook     : Huh hyu-ung...Why are you here ? Jin entered the apartment with a steady pace without answering jung kook's  question...

Oh yoongi~ you are here too? jin asked with a smile and he got a small smile and nod from the other male... Jungkook locks the door and slowly walked towards Jin and asked with a small voice,

Kook      : Hyung, you sit i'll make a coffee for you...

Jin          : No, come here and sit ...Jin patted the place next to him indicating kook to sit

Yoongi  : Well you guys speak, i have some work in my studio...Yoongi Got up from the sofa with a awkward posture

Jin         : Where are you going Young Man ? Sit there ! Yoongi Hastily sat back with a stiff back  

Kook    : Hyung, is everything ok ? Jungkook asked with a questioning face  

Jin        : well, are you OK Kookie ? Jin stated with a serious face

Kook   : Did tae told you something ?  Jungkook avoided looking at the older male's face

Jin       : No,Now a days He is acting very strangely ...I asked joon about this and he told me 'jinnie,you don't have to worry about him, i think he was in a stress because of company matters'...How can i not worry about him, and i am sure joon is lying about the company matters... That's why i asked you! Yoongi ,did jimin told you something ? Jin asked towards the quite man who was sitting like stone

Yoongi : Nothing Hyung , I also noticed Tae's behavior so asked jimin but he only told me that 'everything will be okay soon ' I don't know what he meant by that , but i think something is clearly bothering them... A small sigh left from yoongi's mouth

Kook   : Hyung, Tae told me that he don't lo--ves me , i asked him why and he told me that he hate's Jeon's, me being a jeon makes him hates me too... oh, first of all he didn't even lo-ved me it was all a ac-ting... JUngkook looked jin with a teary eyes

Yoongi : What ?? Acting ...how could he ?? Yoongi asked with a confused yet angry voice

Jin        : I don't believe it ! Jin embraced the younger male and patted his back in a soothing manner

Kook    : I don't want to  believe it either Hyung, but when i kissed him he called me a 'sl*t' he looked at me with so much hatred and disgust...tell me Hyung how can someone act like that ?? I c-an't  live without him...i Loves him so much that i can't even hate him for what he did to me....Small hiccups left from kook's mouth both the older males tried their best to console him with reassuring words

Jin        : Look here Kook , I know why he hates Jeon's But Now I can't tell you the reason...I am sorry, But believe Me Tae loves you ,Don't lose your hope Ok...I am with you ! when the right time comes i'll scold him for you ,So cheer up baby bunny.... Jin patted kook's head with a reassuring smile

Yoongi : Bunny, listen to Hyung's ok... I know something is bothering them when the time comes tae will tell you everything , give him some time ...Don't be sad, i'll prepare your favorite food...And jin hyung i can help you with the beatings...Yoongi said with gummy smile

Jin        : I'll surely consider that offer,yoongs... Jin said with light chuckle


At Jimin's House ~~

Jimin    : What is in this bag ? Jimin looked at the bag with a suspicious eyes

Tae        : Dresses and makeup...Tae shrugged his shoulder with a small smirk

Jimin   : I know that bi*tch...i am asking you why you are giving me these things ? Jimin asked with a eye roll

Tae       : Look at your self , you'll understand it....Tae calmly  sat at the end of the bed with a wide grin

Jimin   : You, why do i have a bad feeling about this...jimin stretched is hand in to the bag while he muttered to himself  

The next moment a screech came from Jimin's mouth accompanied with Tae's laugh....


A/n : Continueeee....💞...🦋...💜


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