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"Tuk"  "Tuk"  Tae Wake up you sleepy head...Taehyung was waken up by the loud banging on his bedroom door with jimin's yell...When taehyung  opened the door a gasp left from jimin's mouth

Jimin : Tae what happened to your eyes, You look like a Panda now? Jimin asked with a chuckle

Tae     : What you want chim? what are you doing here this early? Tae asked while he  suppressed a yawn

Jimin : Early!? Are you kidding me? It's already lunch time...Jimin looked tae with a surprised face

Tae     : WHAT !???? OMG I missed the important meeting with Mr.Lee... Tae said with a panic

Jimin : Yh yh, Don't get a heart attack now... I did the meeting behalf for you...Jimin said with a proud smile

Tae     : Thank you chim...

Jimin : Well Tae, something happened right ? You can tell me anything you know that right ?! Jimin said with a serious tone

Tae     : It's Nothing , Wait for me downstairs ...Tae replied with a plane tone

Jimin : OK Boss, i'll make something to eat...Come fast...

After wearing his coat Tae skipped towards downstairs and saw jimin arranging food in the dining table...Tae inhale the pleasant aroma coming from the food and looked at jimin with a boxy smile...

Tae      : Jimin-ah when did you improve this much in cooking...

Jimin : In the future i want to make food for my lover...You have jungkook he is expert in Cooking

...Jimin said with a pout but he noticed a sudden mood change in Tae...He wanted to ask but he don't want to pry too much when tae is ready he will tell him...

Jimin : Eat eat, i bet you are hungry right?

Tae     : Yupp i am ...

Soon the room filled with slurping voices...

Soon the room filled with slurping voices

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Japchae 😋...

Japchae 😋

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