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On phone~~~~

Tae : Jungkook , is there any reason you came to my office today?
Tae didn't get any reply from jungkook ,he waited but to his disappointment he again didn't get any reply... after work tae quickly get in to his car and drove to his house...When he get home a pale looking namjoon welcomed him with a grimacing face...

Joon : Finally you are here ! A sigh left from namjoon

Tae    : What happened hyung ? Why is your face is so pale? he asked with a confused face

Joon : I don't know why,when i came back from college jinnie was here...So i asked him why he is so early but he looked at me so furiously, i asked him what is bothering him so he told me that i have a hidden mistress on college and i am cheating on him with her....I was like WTF he is talking , out of frustration i yelled at him... Now he is crying and he is mumbling that you and jimin are like this because of me... A frustrated sigh leaves his mouth

Tae   :  I am sorry hyung because of me you got a big problem...

Joon : it's ok tae, i can handle it! you go freshen up... namjoon got a nod from tae

After freshening up tae return to dining room and saw jin with a puffy red eyes ,tae immediately went towards him and sat beside him...

Tae : Hyung, did jungkook told you anything ? he hesitantly asked and got a nod from a grumpy jin 

Tae : I promise hyung , i do love him very much and i don't cheated on him...He said with a calm voice

Jin : I know tae, but when i saw his puffy eyes due to crying i felt sad , so i asked him and he told me about what happened in the office... i was angry that's why i lashed out my anger on joonie... But   H-he   s-h-outed   at m-me... A sigh leaves from tae seeing jin's sobbing face

Tae : you know hyung, joon hyung loves you and only you...when he heard you accusing him about he cheating on you with a woman he lost his composure too... Sorry because of me you guy's argued... he looked at jin with a guilty face

Jin : It's ok tae, please clear the misunderstanding between you and kook... tae nodded his head

Can i talk to you jinnie ? when taejin looked at the source  of sound and met with a gloomy looking joon...when jin looked up he saw namjoon looking at him with a puppy eyes so jin nodded his head, namjoon clearly know that jin has a weak-spot for his puppy eyes ...

Tae : Hyung i'll leave you two alone... he get up from the black sofa and goes to his room

When tae leaves the room namjoon immediately sat beside his love and take jin's hand in his and give it a light squeeze...

Joon : baby, i am sorry i was sad when you blamed me like that, that's why i shouted at you, sorry baby, please forgive me...

Jin     : It--- Jin was interrupted by a blabbering namjoon

Joon : I know it's not easy to forgive me but please b-baby...a tear left from his eyes

Jin     : I was --- again he interrupted by a wailing namjoon

Joon : please don't be mad at me, y-ou kn-ow i ca--n't live wi-th-out you...

When Jin saw Joonie's sobbing face he face palmed him self...he gently lifts namjoon's face and gives a light peck on his lips...When namjoon felt a soft touch on his lip his eyes widened...

Jin       : Jooni, i am sorry for saying those words to you! i didn't meant to hurt you...

Joon : oh, *grrr * jinnie can you make something for me i am hungry... he said with a embarrassed voice...

Jin      : *Chuckles* hmm go rest, i'll call you when the food is ready,Ok... Jin said

Joon : Nah , i'll help you... he said with a beaming smile

Jin     : You sure ? Jin got a dimple smile as an answer with a sigh jin agreed

After 5 minutes ~~~

Kim Namjoon this is the 10 th time you are breaking my favorite mug! Get out from my kitchen...

when Tae heard the yelling from downstairs indicating namjin couple's union he chuckled to himself...

A/n : Continue❤...

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