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Then Are You Ready To Be My Lover ??? Jimin asked with a sweet smile

Yoongi was stunned to even breath , he looked jimin with round shocked eyes...Jimin chuckled to himself and give a light pat on yoongi's hand

Jimin   : Y don't you answer my question? Jimin asked with a small pout starting to form on his lips

Yoongi : Eh, a surprised voice left from yoongi's mouth What??! OMG ??? what i am going to do ??I  i want to tell him the truth about yoona, Get a grip on your self Min Fucking Yoongi ... Umm I wanted to tell you something about Yoona! Yoongi said with a serious tone

Jimin   : Well , i need to tell you something too about Yoona...Jimin said with a hesitant voice

Yoongi : Huh, can i ---Wait let me tell you first,please...Yoongi was interrupted by jimin when he saw the puppy look on jimin's face yoongi nodded his head 

Jimin  : Well i and Yoona was .................Jimin told yoongi about him meeting yoona in jin's cafe and his confession and her rejection all story about him and Yoona....with a sigh jimin looked at yoongi expecting to see a angry yoongi but to his surprise yoongi looked at him with a guilty expression

Yoongi  :  Jimin ,I-i am so sorry... Yoongi looked at their locked hands he know it is not easy to start a relationship with a lie but he can't lose jimin,i'll will tell him today the truth 

Jimin : Hyung,Now I don't see her in that way.... *ring ring* Wait , Hyung i need to pick up this call...Jimin looked at the phone id with a annoyed face

On Phone~~

Jimin  : Dad, what you want ? Jimin asked with a annoyed voice

???      : Jimin, it's me can you please come here ,Please... It was not his father's voice he clearly recognized because of this person his father left them

Jimin : What you want ? Jimin asked through gritted teeth 

???      : Jimin, Your dad got on an accident ,Doctor said he don't have mu-ch tim-e Please come I'm beg-ging you he wants to meet you...a small cry can be heard from the other end of the phone

Jimin  : I'll be there soon , Bye 

Call End~~~

Noticing the gloomy aura Yoongi hesitantly called jimin's name,

Yoongi : Jimin, is everything OK?

Jimin   : My dad Got on an accident , the Doctor told he don't have much time left so Dad wanted to meet me ....Jimin said with a calm face

Yoongi : You Ok ? Yoongi asked

Jimin   : I am, I need to leave today...i am sorry that we can't enjoy our first date...Jimin said with a sad smile

Yoongi : No it's Ok , can i come with you ? Yoongi asked

Jimin   : Hyung , you don't have to come with me, i can manage it by myself....Jimin said with a small smile

Yoongi : But i want to jimin ,I want to come with you...Please

Jimin   : *Sigh* Ok, then we will leave afternoon...

Jimin and yoongi left the cafe with a depressed mood,jimin thinking about his meeting with his father and for yoongi he was depressed for losing his chance to confess the truth about yoona...


Jimin and yoongi entered the plane with a gloomy faces, it was already midnight when they landed in Paris...They called a Uber and directly go to their booked hotel room.... Yoongi opened his hotel room door and looked back to jimin who was entering his own hotel room ,Feeling a gaze on himself jimin looked back and smiled at yoongi

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