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After a long tiring flight jimin and yoongi set foot on south Korea... They slowly walked towards the entrance with a tired face....

Hyungggg, Here....Yoongi looked towards the sound source and saw Tae and kook enthusiastically waving at them

Yoongi : Thank you guys for coming to picking up us....Yoongi thanked them with a tired voice

Tae        : It's not a problem Hyung...Chim you ok ? Taehyung asked with a concerned voice

Jimin   : I am ok Tae...jImin answered with a small smile

Kook    : Come on....Hyungs  are tired Tae .... Jungkook dragged them towards the parking lot

Jungkook Apartment~~~

Kook    : Tae,I think they had a fight...Jungkook looked at Tae with a thoughtful eyes

Tae       : *Sigh* If they had any fight they will solve it themselves....

Kook   : Why are you so tense ? is something bothering you ? Jungkook sat beside Tae and gently asked 

Tae      : It's nothing , i am just tired....Tae tiredly rubbed his eyes that almost closing shut because of exhaustion 

Kook  : Ok, then take a nap...I need to call Eomma ....Kook picked up his phone and walked towards the balcony 

On Phone~~

Kook          : Hello, Eomma....

Mrs.Jeon : Bunny, How are you ? A sweet matured voice asked

Kook         : I am good Eomma! How are you ? Kook asked

Mrs.Jeon : I am good,Sweetheart...

Kook          : Hm, Why did you messaged me to call you so urgently?Is there everything alright... Kook asked with a anxious voice

Mes.Jeon : Well, when are you coming to home? the woman asked with a calm voice

Kook          : Mom ,i asked you something!,  don't beat around the bush. JungKook said with a cold voice

Mrs.Jeon  : Well,Your dad  arranged your marriage with our business partner's daughter...

Kook          : .....................................................

Mrs.Jeon : Bunny, you there ?

Kook         : WTF...?

Mrs.Jeon : Bunny! Language!!!!! She warned with a monotone

Kook        : Don't Bunny ME , Mrs.Jeon... Did you two asked my consent about this marriage proposal???

Mrs.Jeon : We are your parents! The woman shouted

Kook         : For the heaven sake! i have a lover...I'll only marry him! Jungkook answered with a cold voice

Mrs.Jeon : Him?! What you mean by "him" ?

Kook         : I am GAY...And ---- jungkook was interrupted by the rage filled voice coming from the phone

Mrs.Jeon : You shameless creature....Listen to me carefully! The next month is your Marriage , And if you don't come here by yourself....Believe me Jungkook i swear to God that i'll drag you from there with my own hand !

Kook         : I am not a doll that you can drag me from here...And if you are that much enthusiastic for marriage,Go and marry that girl...Don't ever call me Mrs.Jeon....

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