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Yoongi was in a good mood after the meeting with jimin , when he entered the room with a smile he saw jungkook sitting in a sofa with a angry pout...

Yoongi : Kook, what are you doing here ?

Jk          : Hyungggg,where were you ? with a whiny tone jungkook asked

Yoongi : Huh,i had a meeting with jimin...now stop whining answer my question...Yoongi raised his eyebrow

Jk          : Hum, Hyung tae have a girlfriend on his office...

Yoongi : What ?! Explain kook...Yoongi said with a serious tone

Jungkook explained the whole things...

Yoongi : Hmm..Kook-ah did you saw Taehyung kissing the girl? Yoongi asked

Jk : No...If they are not kissing then how he got the lipstick mark on his neck? Jungkook asked with a frustrated voice...

Yoongi : If you want to know the truth ask him...But the point is you guys are not even in a relationship...But i understand that you felt anger and jealousy when you saw someone else kissing your property...Yoongi said with a teasing grin

Jk : You are wrong Hyung,I am not jealous of her ,Hum...Jungkook replied with a scoff

Yoongi : Yeah yeah , Stop acting like a baby...If you wanted to know the truth then go and talk to him...Yoongi said with a serious tone

Jk : But hyung he glared --- before he complete the sentence he was interrupted by yoongi

Yoongi : Oh come on Kook-ah you clearly know that there is nothing going on between Taehyung and that girl...So stop whining...If you have that much problem with the lipstick mark go and leave a hickey mark on his neck it will remain longer than any lipstick mark...Yoongi said with a teasing grin

Jk : Hyung stop teasing me...Jungkook replied with a whiny tone

Yoongi : Now you got the solution for your problem...come ill make something for you... Yoongi get up from the sofa

Jk : Nah, i am not hungry i already ate my dinner...You know hyung that when i am angry ill eat to my heart content...hehe,you go take rest Hyung...i am leaving...good night... Jungkook get up from the sofa and walk towards the front door

Yoongi : OK then, Good night kook,drive safely...

Jk : OK hyung Bye... Jungkook waved his hand with a cute smile

Yoongi completed his night care routine and climbed on his bed...Suddenly he heard a notification sound from his phone...who is messaging me in this time with a annoyed face he picked up his phone, when he looked at the person name a gummy smile appeared on his face...

Jiminiee 😻~~~

Good night yoona...

A scowl appeared on yoongi's face seeing yoona's name on the message...Yoongi mentally cursed him and murdered hobi with 10 brutal ways in his mind,he replied---


Good night mochi...

Yoongi know that one day jimin will know the truth about him being yoona...But now he don't have the courage to tell him that...

A/n : Continuee❤...

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