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The next day tae get ready to meet his love and drove to jin's cafe...He eagerly opened the door of the cafe and rushed towards jungkook...

Tae's pov ~~~

When i enter the cafe i saw kook giggling with a man...I don't have any problem with jungkook specking to that man! I am sure he saw me coming towards him but he totally ignored me but when i saw him blushing because of another man i felt furious...The more i looked at their giggling self the more i clenched my hands...When i noticed the other person's departing figure i walked towards jungkook...

End of Tae's pov ~~~

Tae : Morning kookie...He greeted with a boxy smile but to his disappointment he didn't even get a greeting from the younger...

Tae  : Jungkook, are you free in the evening ?

Jk    : No, i am busy...

Tae : can i speck to you for a moment? Tae looked at jungkook with a hopeful eyes but the next second the hope crushed by the younger's words

Jk   : Can't you see i am busy here! kook replied with a angry tone

Tae : I see ,Now you are busy right !? You got time to flirt with some random person but you don't have time for me... tae asked with a glare

Jk   : It's none of your business... He got the nerve to accuse me 

Tae : It's m-   What's happening here ? Tae was interrupted By a femiler voice when he looked  towards the source of sound he was met with a disapproving nod from jin  

Tae : Nothing hyung, i am sorry jungkook for disturbing your work...Bye hyung... Tae storm towards the door and shut the the door with a slam

Jin  :* Tsk *This boy...Jungkook what happened ? Jin asked with a calm voice

Jk   : Hyung , it's nothing... Kook avoided the elder's eyes

Jin  : Kook-ah , u r like my brother but i think you don't see me like that...Jin said with a sad tone and wiped his imaginary tear with a dramatic sob... jungkook looked at jin with a done face

Jk   : Hyung, stop acting... I am angry at tae hyung that's why i acted like that...Kook said with little pout

Jin  : Hmm, Did u see that girl kissing tae ? he asked with a serious tone

Jk   : No, but when i opened the door he glared at me like i am interrupting something...a angry huff left from the younger

Jin : Please listen what he want to talk to you...Ok! Jin got a nod from from the bunny boy

Kim entertainment Building~~~

What happened to the boss today,he seems extra cold ...Mia said to Sara with a frown

Sara : I was thinking t]hat too... Sara replied with a thinking expression while she take a sip from her coffee

Mia   : I need to submit a file , but i am afraid that he will kick me out from his office...

Sara : Haha, But u need to submit that file isn't it a important file?...Sara tossed her empty cup to the waste bin

Mia  : Yes, who the hell make me the head of the department.... Mia replied with a whiny tone

Don't curse me Mia...A small screech left from Mia's mouth when she heard a deep chuckles from behind her

Mia     : Mr.Park Good morning...Hehe, I was not cursing you...She awkwardly chuckled

Jimin : Mmmm.... Jimin nodded his head and walked towards tae's office

Taehyung's office~~~

When jimin entered the office room he sensed the depressing cold aura present in the room...

Don't you have any work , Jimin ?Jimin looked at taehyung and saw he working at his laptop with a cold face

Jimin : What happened to you ? Jimin asked with a confused face

Tae     : Nothing...Is your meeting with Mr.Min was good? Tae looked up from his laptop and saw jimin lying on the sofa like a star fish

Jimin : It was Good, oh i am going to meet Yoongi hyung in the evening,are you coming with me? jimin  asked with a enthusiastic voice

Tae     : You are meeting who ? tae asked with a confused expression

Jimin : Oh, hehe yoongi hyung told me to call him like that,he is Yoona's  brother don't you remember?  Jimin asked with a raised eyebrow 

Tae    : Oh i totally forgot about that... Tae said with a grin...Now,How is your relationship with yoona ?

Jimin : She left to Australia for her work and we are good friends now i think so... Jimin get up from the sofa and walk towards the door but before he opened the door he looked back to tae

Jimin : Tae, you can tell me if something bothering you, Ok... And he got a small smile and nod from tae...Ok then i am leaving i have to check some important file...With that jimin opened the door and left to his office

After a long tiring day of work Jimin left the office and entered his black lamborghini And drove to his house...

A/n : Continueee❤....

A/n : Continueee❤

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