Chapter 13: SucyWorld

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P.O.V. - Akko


"Why did you pull that blade on her, Akari?" I asked while I was cleaning the rabbits we had caught.

Akari frowned while she thought about her answer.

"I... I felt so angry, Akko. I know I usually don't anger, but something about that redhead... Something about her irks me. I see her and I want to do nothing more than to humble her so that she no longer acts so high and mighty."

"But that is not a reason to unsheathe the Kusanagi... You know what Grandfather said about that blade."

"Of course, Akko. I know it was a foolish thing to do to wield the blade over a petty argument, but like I said, I was blinded by anger in that brief moment. Not that it's an excuse, but it's the reason."

"Akari, you know what that blade can do. What would Grandfather think of you if he knew you wielded it so carelessly? Or worse yet, Grandmother, Father, and Mother? They would shun you for staining our Great-Grandmother's along with Great-Grandfather's legacy."

Akari was silent. Her ears and tail drooped down in shame.

"Just promise me you will never unsheathe that blade again."

"But Akko If a time comes where we need the blade-"

"Promise me you will never use that blade again," I said more sternly to her.

Akari looked down and nodded.

"Yeah, I promise, Akko..."



P.O.V. - Akari


I ruffle her hair and smile at her.

"Stop doing that!" Akko exclaimed, "I'm not a pet!"

I laughed at her comment.

"You sure about that?" I inquire, "You have mom's fur. It's as soft as silk."

"Maybe if you groomed yourself more often you would have it too."

"You bitch," I said laughing as I pushed her to the ground.

Akko sweeps my legs, and I fall on the ground with her. We glare at each other for a moment before we bust out laughing.

Akko, I love you, little sister.


P.O.V - Unnamed Tenebris Luna Member

V - Unnamed Tenebris Luna Member

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