Chapter 26.5: What do I want?

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***Sorry for this being late. Still no computer yet. So here's a mini chapter


P.O.V. - ???


I wonder how Akko is doing.

I haven't seen her since she left for England.

As much as we fought and argued, I miss her...

If only I'd asked to join her in Luna Nova, then we could still be friends!

But, that's not what I want to do in life. I don't wish to be a witch.

I want to be a public speaker. I want to advocate for monster rights like Akko's grandfather.

I would get formal training and practice, but...

But my family needs me. I gather wild fruits for them. They say they can do it themselves, but I don't want to lack in my part in the family.

I think I have gathered enough berries. I should go home now.

"Michi!" called out a voice.

I fall out of the tree I was gathering berries in and land on my butt. My basket being empitied of the contents it held.

"Oww," I uttered.

"You really need to learn not to get startled so easily."

I looked up to see my Grandfather.

"Sorry, Grandfather."

I got up and dusted myself off.

"And I thought us Tanuki was supposed to be the best climbers among Yokai."

"I'd argue the Tssuchigumo have us beat," I retorted. 

He chuckled.

"Great, now I have to gather all these berries again," I said to myself.

I picked up the basket and gathered all the berries that had dropped from the basket.

My grandfather sighed.

"You need to come on home now, Michi. You've been out here for an hour."

"S-Sorry, I just... I just got caught looking at the scenery of this place! It never gets old to look at."

"Thinking about Akko, aren't you?"

I froze. Grandfather knows me so well. A little too well I'd say.

"I understand, Michi. She was your friend. And now without her, you find yourself lonely.


I sat down on the grass and my ears were down.

"You're right, I miss herr. I miss her a lot, actually... Not saying my parents or you and grandmother are bad company, but... Akko was my only friend growing up. Even though we fought like we were from the Edo period, we got along just fine."

I smile to myself thinking of all the times I teased Akko.

We used to fight, play, hunt, and so much more together.

Grandfather chuckled,

"Remember the time you two tried to sail an isabune by yourself?"

"Oh Kami, how could I forget? We wanted to go fishing, and Akko had the ever so bright idea to take an isabune instead of a fishing boat."

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