Chapter 18: You never changed... You never have...

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*** Time skip - 2 days later.


The ship sailed along the waves, which were calm and steady. The smell of the ocean, as usual, surrounded me.

I looked out from the bow, thinking about the last few days.

The fighting, the scars, the deaths...

Sucy almost died. Her stab wound has been doing better, but she still needs some medical attention.

And now, we have a prisoner named Adam Torin, who turns out to be Treva's father. Treva has been doing everything to avoid him. He stays bound to the mast by a spell Akari eventually placed on him.

But something noteworthy is that I earned my third tail.

I looked behind me. I was in my partial form, therefore, seeing my tails. My beautiful three tails.

But due to the events of these last few days, no one celebrated or acknowledged it past a 'That's cool' or 'Nice'. And honestly, not even I was too celebratory over it. It happened during a time when my mind wasn't on it.

"Hey, can any of you let me play as well?" asked Adam from behind me.

(*** It's not an anime style, but When I saw this, I thought this was a good picture of what I thought Adam Torin looks like

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(*** It's not an anime style, but When I saw this, I thought this was a good picture of what I thought Adam Torin looks like. Also, I don't own this art.)

I looked back to see Amanda, Sucy, Adaobi, and Jasminka playing cards, but their game was interrupted by Adam.

"C'mon, you took my broom from me. It's not like I am going anywhere," Adam reasoned.

"How do we know you aren't just trying to assassinate us in our sleep or cause havoc to slip away?" Asked Adaobi.

"I accept my fate of death. As long as I can pass down the Torin secrets to Treva."

"Just shut it, Adam," said Amanda, "You're not going anywhere until we get back to England."

Adam sighed in defeat, realizing he would not get his request.

I look up to the helm. Akari was steering the ship with Constanze at her side. She looks out to the ocean, Constanze checking a map and compass while she does so.

I went back to looking out towards the ocean from the bow. We weren't far from land, the coastline was only a few nautical leagues away, but no civilization. It's just more wilderness.

That is until I saw buildings in the far distance. And then, I saw boats and ships sailing slowly and in an orderly fashion.

Port Jeroba! We are here! Finally, this dreaded quest is over!

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