Chapter 15: Port Boyle

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*** This takes place several days after chapters 13 and 14


P.O.V - Akko


I stood on the bow of the Stanship. I smelled the sea air as we sailed along the coast of  Morrocco. The waves were calm. I closed my eyes and took time to reflect.

I sigh. 

This journey was going to take a long time. 


Flashback: 13 days ago


All of us, My squadron, Diana's and Jasminka's, and Akari stood in a straight line facing Headmaster Holbrooke. 

"Good morning to you all," she began.

We all bowed and greeted her.

"Good morning, Headmaster," we all said.

We stand up straight again and await the details of our quest.

"Platoon Nine, your quest is to deliver some cargo to Port Jeroba in Libya. Your job is not only to transport it, but also protect it from pirates."

"Pirates?" asked Akari, "There are still pirates in the Mediterranean?"

"Well, not pirates exactly, but rogue witches that steal cargo from our ships."

"That's the exact definition of a pirate, Holbrooke."

"Don't get smart with me, Akari!" Holbrooked shouted with irritation.

Akari steps back and her ears point down.

"Y-Yes Ma'am, forgive me."

Headmaster Holbrooke sighs before continuing.

 "The cargo consists of Sorcerer stones fragments. They need to be sent to the School of Vodun."

Adaobi stepped out from the line and spoke.

"Why can't we just sail to Nigeria? It's a straight shot." 

"I assume you all have heard of the Tenebris Luna, correct?"

My squadron nods. I notice Diana tensing up at the mention of them. Did she also have a run-in with them?

"The Tenebris Luna, for some bloody reason, Are patrolling the Atlantic Ocean for reasons we are unsure of... So the only way to get the fragments to your mother, Adaobi, is to send them to the only port that will accept witch trades."

"Mother?" I asked bluntly, speaking out of turn.

Adaobi looks over at me.

"You don't know?" Adaobi asked.

"Know what?" I said puzzled.

"Miss Achebe's mother is the Head of The School of Vodun and a member of the Council of Magicians."

It took me a moment to process the information. 

"What!?" I exclaimed, "You're the daughter of a council member, Ada?"

Ada looked at me in anger, which made me step back because she was not acting like her usual self.

"I don't want to talk about it!" shouted Adaobi, "I don't want to talk about my mother!"

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