Zok x dead!child!reader (angst, comfort)

43 0 14

[Y/N] = Your Name

[F/H] = Favorite Hobby

[S/F/H] = Second Favorite Hobby

JUST A HEADS UP: I don't know much about how children usually act, so there are probably mistakes

It hurts... Why did this happen? What did I do? Why can't this pain just end?

The man pulled out a big gun. I closed my eyes, waiting for the pain. I heard the man leave after shooting.

When I opened my eyes, the man was gone. And so was the pain. I looked around, and saw another man. He was tall. Really tall. He had short, black hair, and... multicolored eyes? One eye was red, and the other was white. The part that's supposed to be white, in his red eye, was black.

He stepped towards me, and I crawled back, closing my eyes tightly. "It's okay. I'm not going to hurt you." I heard a gentle voice say. I slowly opened my eyes, and saw that he was kneeling in front of me, holding a hand out towards me. "I'm here to take you somewhere safe." He smiled gently. I looked at his hand, still very hesitant. "I shouldn't... You're a stranger." I spoke.

He took his hand back, putting it on the floor instead to sit down properly. "It's great that you know that it could be dangerous to trust strangers. Let's get to know each other." He said. "My name is Zok. What's yours?" Zok? I've heard that name before. "... [Y/N]" I answered. "[Y/N]? That's a nice name." He smiled. "What do you like to do?" Where have I hear his name before? "I like to [F/H], and [S/F/H]" I answered. "Oh, really? That sounds fun! Uh... Is something wrong?" Zok asked

"Huh?" I questioned. "You seem a bit... distracted?" He responded. "Oh. I'm just... I just recognize your name... I just can't remember where from..." I answered. "Oh. I see. Well, you might have heard a few stories about me." I looked at him with confusion. "You see, I'm the god of death." He looked a bit worried as he said this.

"... The... god of death?" He nodded. "But... That means..." Tears started to fall down my cheek. Zok crawled towards me, and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close. "I don't wanna die!" I cried, as I burried my face in his shoulder. Zok started petting the back of my head. "I'm sorry... I can't do anything about it" He spoke. I continued crying into his shoulder. "I'm scared." I whispered. "I know... I'm sorry... You didn't deserve what happend." Zok replied. 

After a few moments of silence, Zok spoke again. "If it brings you any comfort, the afterlife is nice" "Huh?" I questioned. "There's a lot of toys, books, and other things to keep you entertained. And there are many others there you can play with." He said. I looked at him. "R-really? You're not lying?" I asked. "I'm not lying." Zok answered. I thought for a few seconds. "Will mommy be there?" I asked. He cupped my cheek with one hand. "Not yet. But she will eventually." 

I was quiet for a few seconds. "Can you... take me to the afterlife?" I asked. He smiled. "Of course." He picked me up, and started walking outside. 

I know this is short, but in my defence, I wrote this in class, without any plans before starting.

I hope you enjoyed <3

Anyways, questions for you guys:

How do you think my different characters would be when they're drunk? 

How do you think they'd be around someone they like (romantically) when they're drunk?

I will use your answers as inspiration for future oneshots

The Child Without A Name (novel series I'm working on) oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now