memes and some funfacts

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Demigod of emotions: this is your sign to just do it. this does not apply to Azthe
Azthe: what!? Why not!?
Demigod of emotions: come on. You know why
Azthe: ...
Azthe: alright, fair-

Cil: Nameless? Where are your eyes?
Nameless: the same place as my sanity
Nameless: gone

Lucien, the demigod of deep ocean: I control the oceans
Alioth, the demigod of plantlife: I create control every plant
Azthe, the demigod of toxins: I create and control toxins
Nameless, the demigod of insanity: SAY HELLO TO DEPRESSION MOTHERFU-

Zok: *breathes*

'Priest': being gay is evil! In no circimstances should gay people be allowed to have rights!
Geran: ...
Geran: *burns down the 'priest', and his holy building with rainbow fire*

Wnah: for all we know, you could be poisoning the drinks!
Azthe: I am not poisoning the drinks
Azthe: ...
Azthe: I'm poisoning the food-

Alioth: it's right there! How can you not see it!?
Leveret: Alioth. I don't have eyes. I'm blind

Wold: when I was a kid, my parents always complained that I needed to like more manly things. So one day, I sat down and thought; what is the manliest thing that exists?
Wold: ...
Wold: anyways, I like men-

Nameless: what in Ridd's/Zok's kinklist is this!?
Ridd/Zok: hold on. *types something on their phone* Added!

Me casually writing these chapters: ^w^
Me realizing that my mom has wattpad, and can read everything I write here whenever she wants: owo'

Nameless: ah. What a nice day. Nothing can ruin my mood-
*minor inconvenience*
Nameless: I am going to commit an unspeakable amount of crimes-


- I came up with Nameless because I was thinking about Death Note. They're not inspired by any characters, but the reason they don't have a name is because I thought 'if the death note needs a name to kill, that means someone who doesn't have a name would be immune, right?' 

- Nameless was originally supposed to be human

- Gox is the god with the oldest design (I made the design 1 year before Wnah's, and 2 years before Nameless', not knowing who I'd use it for in the future)

- Gox originally had dark purple hair

- I got the idea of Wnah because of the song 'Hammer of Thor' by Oda Grondrosen

- Wnah's personality was originally supposed to be more of a trickster than someone who kills like it's sports, but then I thought about gods of lightning and thunder in greek and norse mythology (Thor being violent, and Zeus being Zeus)

- Nameless is supposed to be a very memable character who spreads awareness about serious topics (war, abuse, human rights violations, etc.), but making it at least somewhat entertaining for people who struggle with paying attention to things they fing boring, or are just too lazy to read about it

- for some reason, I keep imagining Nameless blowing up doors

- I made Loux specifically for the lesbians and bisexuals, and I hope they find this so I can write more about her

- I've decided to only make one novel about this story. The rest of it will be comics

- currently, the canon ships between the gods are Geran x Wold, Loux x Gilliy, and Yokz x Balc

- Ailr was originally supposed to be more of a mother figure to Nameless, but then I thought 'nah. Life sucks', and now she's one of the antagonists

The Child Without A Name (novel series I'm working on) oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now