symbolism n shit

10 0 9

I'm just gonna play around with the characters, and give them random shit, cause I'm bored and math makes me feel like a kilometer per second, cause everything I can think about is ways to km/s

I'll probably edit this later


As a color: bright red

As a mortal being: demon

As a store: Hot Topic

What job they'd have: lawyer or therapist

Symbolism and meanings in character: 

- Invisibility = problems being overlooked by those around you

- Cracks = breaking, imperfections, mental health

- Black (hair) = power, mystery, loneliness

- Red (eyes) = passion, rage


As a color: charcoal black

What job he'd have: kindergarden teacher

Symbolism and meanings in character:

- Black hood = the grim reaper's hooded cloak 

- More powerful that Ailr = death will always win against life

- Cloning = death happens everywhere at the same time

- Kindness = cause I believe everyone finds peace after death

- Pale skin/no heart/no blood = dead

- Black (hair) = fear, power

- White/gray (eye) = calm, wisdom, lifeless, innocence


As a color: lavender

As a mortal being: spellcaster

As a song: boom, boom, boom, boom!!

What job they'd have: literaly anything stupid they can get payed for

Symbolism and meanings in character:

- Shapeshifting abilities = change, development, gender fluid

- Rainbow (hair) = love, acceptance, pride


As a color: brown

Symbolism and meanings in character:

- Female = females create life for most species 

- Cruelty = life is filled with pain for many

- Black skin = the first humans were black


As a mortal being: dragon (obviously)

By the way, should I write yandere!character x reader and/or character x yandere!reader?

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