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HEADS UP: Some of the stuff here might be wrong! The information that's mentioned is mostly stuff I've learned from school and pagans! I haven't checked if all of it is true!

[Nameless P.O.V.]

"Nameless! Wake up!" I heared Cil's voice shout. I groaned as I sat up. "What? Did someone die again?" I asked. "What? No! It's christmas!" Cil said. "It's what now?" I questioned. "I'll explain it." Zok said. "Cil. Why don't you go play with your dog?" "Okay!" Cil went to play with his dog. 

"Alright. Explain. What is this 'christmas' thing?" I asked. "It's a very famous holiday about light returning since winter is dark. Especially further north." Zok explained. "It's usually celebrated with lights, decorations, music, dinner, and gifting eachother presents." "So that's why you put up lights and weird stuff everywhere, and told me to buy gifts for the others?" I mumbled. Zok laughed. "I'm honestly surprised you didn't ask about it before." "I stoped questioning shit when I realized that I probably won't get a proper answer that I'll understand." I spoke. "Well. Get up. We got a holiday to celebrate!" Zok left, and I was alone with my thoughts. 

"..." I sat still for a few seconds. " Well. I guess I'll just get up. What's the worst that could happen?" (5 minutes later, and they're all dea- /j) I got up, put on some clothes, and went out of my room. 

When I got out of my room, I saw that everything was wrapped in gift wraps, and Ridd was sitting in a chair, drinking something from a mug. "Morning." They said. Zok came into the room. "You really weren't joking when you said you covered everything." He said. "Well. I always take pranks serious." Ridd said confidently. "How did you even pull this off? I was gone for ONE MINUTE!" "I got the power of god and anime on my side." Ridd took a sip from their cup. "Huh?" Zok questioned. "It's from one of those funny videos they keep showing me." I explained. "Oh. You're up! Good morning!" Zok smiled at me, and held out fresh garlic bread for me. I took the garlic bread, and started eating it.

"Delicious." I mumbled. "Can you go outside and play with Cil and his dog? I have to help Ridd unwrap everything, and everyone else is asleep." Zok asked. "Sure." "What!? Why do i gotta unwrap!?" Ridd asked. "Cause you did this." Zok answered. Ridd was quiet for a few seconds. "Alright. Fair."

I put on some warmer clothes, and went outside. I saw Cil throwing a stick for the dog to catch. I stood still for a few seconds before I got an idea. I made a snowball, and threw it at Cil. He looked at me, and I can tell that I caught him by surprise. He then grinned, and started making a snowball. "How dare you declare war against Dog Land!?" He said jokingly. I ran, and quickly tried to build a wall out of snow, but the snowball hit me before i could finish it. "Take that!" Cil yelled. I quickly made another snowball, and threw it at him. "Oh! It's on!" He said determined. "Buddy! Attack!" His dog rushed towards me. "Oh shi-" I said as the dog pushed me to the ground, and jumped on top of me. I managed to push him off, and we continued the snowballfight for a while.

"Hey! Do you two want to make gingerbreads!?" I heard Zok yell from a window. Cil got really exited "YES!!" He yelled and ran inside with the dog. I followed him to see what gingerbread was. 

We walked into the kitchen, and I saw that there was a lot of brown dough, metal pieces, and some rolling pins. Ridd, Loux, Gilliy, Ars, and Yokz were already sat at the table. Cil and I sat down with them. "Cil. Why don't you show Nameless how you do it?" Zok told Cil. "Sure!" Cil smiled. 

Zok worked on the dinner, Cil showed me how to make gingerbread, and the others were also making gingerbread. It was really simple, so I got the hang of it quickly. I just needed to take some dough, flatten it, press those metal pieces on it to make the shapes, and put it in the oven with some others.

The Child Without A Name (novel series I'm working on) oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now