Butterfly effect: if Ailr met Nameless before Zok did (angst)

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Year 3007

"What an interesting creature you are. I don't remember creating you. What's your name, child?" The goddess of life asked. "I don't have one, miss." The child answered. "Why not?" The goddess, who had never heard about a being without a name before, asked. "I never got one." The child answered. "Very well, then. I'll call you 'Nameless' for now." "What is your name, miss?" "Ailr."

The goddess, Ailr, showed the child how to get to the gods' realm. "This is where all the gods live. It is also where you will live once you are old enough." She told the child. "When will that be?" Nameless. "Within the next 30 years." Ailr answered. "Ailr. Why do you have a child with you?" A god said. "One second, Wnah. I'll come to you when I take them back to the mortal realm."

Ailr took Nameless back to the mortal realm, and came back shortly after. "Why did you bring a child here?" Wnah asked again. "Because that child is a demigod." Ailr answered. "A demigod!? I knew Zok was hiding something." "How can you be certain they're Zok's?" "He hooked up with a human. Once he sees them, he'll know they're his child." "But if we play the cards right, they might become our weapon against him."

Ailr teaches Nameless her ways, and hides them from Zok. Zok tries to find them, but he can't, because he never knew that Ailr hid them from him

Year 3032

"Hey! Everyone! A new god has arrived!" Cil shouted as he ran towards the figure of someone he hasn't seen before. The other gods followed after at a slower pace. "Hello! I'm Cil! What's your name!?" The little boy asked. "... Just call me Nameless." Once Zok could take a proper look at the one who had just arrived, he froze, and stared at them in shock. "Hello, Nameless. Welcome to the gods' realm." Ailr spoke. "Hello, Ailr." Nameless replied. 

"Wait. You knew each other?" Zok asked. "Yeah." Nameless said. "Ailr. Why didn't you tell anyone that there was a new demigod?" Zok looked at Ailr. "You know why." She said. Zok's eyes widened, and Nameless looked at them both, confused. Everyone else, except for Wnah, was confused by what Ailr just said, but decided to not question it.

Year 3968

"Why do you want me to ask him?" Nameless questioned. "He wouldn't tell me, but he has a soft spot for you." Ailr answered. "Now go ask him." "Fine." Nameless sighed before walking towards Zok. 

"Zok." Nameless spoke, making Zok jump a little. Zok turned around to face them, and smiled. "Do you need something, kid?" He asked. "I'm not a kid. But yes, I do." Nameless replied. Zok laughed awkwardly. "Sorry. Old habbit. What do you need?" He asked. "How does one kill a god?" Nameless asked. Zok look at them, shocked. "Why do you want to know that? Did Ailr tell you to ask me?" He said. "Does it matter? You know how a god can be killed, right? Tell me." Zok sighed. "The only way to kill a god is to kill them using their own weapon." He said. "Thank you." Nameless walked away to tell Ailr.

Year 4986

"What the fuck do you think you're doing!?" Nameless yelled at Zok, who had just shielded a child from their attack, using himself. "Run, kid." He mumbled to the kid. The kid ran away. Nameless pulled their scythe out of Zok. "Now I'll have to chase that kid again." They mumbled, annoyed, as they started walking towards the kid. Before they could start running, Zok, who had already healed from the wound, gently grabbed their ankle, stopping them. "Please. Don't do this anymore." He said. Nameless just kicked his hand of. "Is that really what this is about?" They said. "You're pathetic." 

"Call me whatever you want." Zok said, standing up. "Just hear me out this once. Please." His eyes got a glimse of hope, as Nameless turned around, but it soon disapeared, as they got in a fighting stance. "N-no. Please. I don't want to fight you." He said. "And I'm getting tired of you whining all the time." Nameless said. "So let's settle this." They quickly charged at Zok, and swung their scythe at him. Zok stepped back quick enough to dodge. "Nameless, please!" He said softly. "Why don't you pull out your own weapon!?" Nameless yelled. Zok's eyes widened. It was at that point he understood that one of them had to die for Nameless to stop, so he pulled out his sword. Nameless reached out to grab Zok's sword, but he pulled it away quickly. 

After a while of fighting, Zok managed to get Nameless' scythe. He dropped his sword, and held the blade of the scythe against Nameless' neck. Nameless looked him dead in the eyes. "Go ahead." They said. "Do it." Zok felt tears building up in his eyes. "I... I can't." He mumbled, before putting the scythe down. "You're weak." Nameless said, before quickly grabbing Zok's sword, and stabbing him with it.

Zok's eyes widened, as tears ran down his cheeks. Nameless let go of the sword, and Zok fell to the ground. "Pull it out." They said. Zok pulled the sword out. "Now give me my scythe." Zok handed them their scythe. Nameless started walking away, but was stopped by Zok grabbing their ankle again. "Gosh, can you be more annoying?" They complained. "I'm sorry." Zok said weakly. "But, please. Can I get one last wish?" Nameless groaned. "Fine. Just don't tell me to stop killing." They said. 

"I want to see your face until I'm dead." Zok said. "That's an odd request." Nameless mumbled before gently kicking Zok so he was facing upwards, and squating down next to him. "I never told you about your parents." He said as he slowly raised his hand to cup Nameless' cheek. "I don't have parents." Nameless said. "Yes you do." Zok replied. "Then why were they never there?" "Because your mother was killed, and I never found you."

Nameless' eyes widened. "I'm sorry I couldn't protect and raise you. I should have searched better." Zok mumbled. "... Ailr hid me... from you...?" Nameless mumbled. "I love you, kid." Zok whispered. "No... Don't die yet!" Nameless yelled, beggining to cry. "I'm sorry, dad!" Zok smiled gently as his eyes closed.


The Child Without A Name (novel series I'm working on) oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now