Drunk!Zok x gn!reader

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HEADS UP: I've only gone to a bar (I think it was a bar at least)  once, and I don't even know why I was even allowed cause I was 15, so there will most likely be a lot of mistakes.

[ 2nd person P.O.V.]

Ridd decided to take everyone out to drink. At first, Zok didn't want to go because "Someone has to take care of Cil and Ars!" After a little convincing, he agreed to call a babysitter to take care of them until they fell asleep, and come with us. After a while, Zok dissapeared. You first thought that he'd just gone to the bathroom, or to call the babysitter to check how it was going, but he was gone for too long. You decided to look for him.

"Zok!" You said, as you entered the restroom. You heard a quiet sob, and heavy breathing from one of the stalls. "Zok? Is that you?" You asked. The heavy breathing stoped for a few seconds, before a voice came from the stall. "No?" The voice said. It was definitely Zok. He sounded upset. "Zok. I can hear that it's you. Is something wrong?" He was quiet again. You tried to open the stall, but it was locked. "Are you doing your business?" You asked. "No." He answered. "Can I come in?" 

After a few seconds of silence, you heard a click, and the stall opened. Zok was sitting on the toilet, hugging his knees, with tears in his eyes. You walked into the stall, and closed the door. "What's wrong?" You asked. "Some humans hurt small, helpless animals and children, and don't apologize to them." He said. "How can they do that? That's just cruel!" What? He cried because of that? He's really empathetic, but you've never seen him cry. Even when he hears facts like that. "Are you... drunk?" You asked. "Maybe." Zok answered. You stared at each other for a few seconds. "That's actually surprising. Out of all people, I never expected you to get drunk." "Are you mad?" He asked. "What? Of course not." You replied, patting his head. "I'm just surprised."

"I'm tired." Zok said. "Alright. Let's go. I'm taking you home." You said. "Are you sure? I don't want to stop you from having fun." He questioned. "I was getting bored anyways. Besides, your safety is more important." You assured him. "But-" "I'm not leaving you alone until you're sober. You could end up in many dangerous situations. Now, let's go." You grabed his arm, and gently pulled him off the toilet. He followed me out of the restroom. "Ridd. Zok got drunk, so I'm taking him home." You told Ridd. "Alright. Have fun." They said, as you dragged Zok outside. 

"It's a nice temperature outside tonight." Zok spoke. "Yeah. I guess it is." You replied. "It's cold, but not too cold. I like it." He said. "How much did you drink?" You asked. He thought for a few seconds. "I didn't count. Sorry." He apologized. "No need to apologize."

Zok then hugged you from behind. "Thank you for always helping me." He said. "Huh? No problem. You do so much for us. I don't want you to feel exhausted all the time." You said. He hugged you tighter. "I love you." He confessed. You felt your face heat up. "W-what?" "Nothing."

When you got home, you went to the kitchen to get Zok glass of water. "Here. Drink this." You said as you handed him the glass. "Is this more alcohol!?" He asked. "... This is water." "Oh. That's good." He said as he grabed the glass. "For a second, I thought you were trying to do something to me." He laughed, and drank the water. "I wouldn't dream of it. Most things probably wouldn't work either. Now, let's get you to bed." You dragged him to his bedroom, and sat him down on his bed. 

"Get some sleep. You need it." You told Zok. He laid down on the bed. "Goodnight." You said as you turned around. You heard him move, and felt his arms wrap around you. "Don't leave meeeee!" He said, and dragged you onto the bed with him. "I don't want to be alone." He burried his face in your shoulder. "Wha- Zok! I have to get a bucket in case you throw up tomorrow!" You said. You suddently felt your shoulder get wet. "Are you crying?" You asked. He nodded. "I don't want you to leave." You turned around to face him, and cuped his face with your hand. "Alright. I won't leave." You said. "Promise?" He asked. "Promise." You replied. He smiled, and laid down. You laid down next to him, and he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close. You slowly closed your eyes, falling asleep.

Next morning

[Zok P.O.V.]

I opened my eyes, and felt something in my arms. I looked down, and saw [Y/N]. I felt my face heat up, as I remembered what happened last night. I wanted to throw up because of the alcohol, but I didn't want to disturb [Y/N]'s sleep. They looked so peaceful. I gently pulled my hands away from them, and rushed to the bathroom. I threw up in the toilet as soon as I got there. After a minute of throwing up. I heard footsteps. I looked towards the door, and saw [Y/N] standing there.

"Ah! Did I wake you up? Sorry." I apologized. "No. I was already awake." They said. "Oh." I said. They walked up to me, and sat down next to me. I could feel my face heat up again. "How are you feeling?" They asked. "I-I'm feeling great!" I answered, before throwing up in the toilet again. "Hm. Yeah, sure." They said sarcastically. "I'll get a bucket ready. You're staying in bed today." "[Y/N]. You really don't have to." I said. "I'm not going to let you do work all day while you're in a hangover." They stood up, and grabbed a bucket from under the sink. I smiled. "Thank you, [Y/N]."

Hope you enjoyed <3

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