S1E11: The golden age

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We see Hot Rod exiting out of the grand bridge as he drive up to the base where we see the Autobots there talking as both Y/n and Takao climb out of Hot Rod as Takao is shocked of seeing more giant alien robots and soon they stop talking and spotted Takao.

Ratchet: Great, another human who found out.

Takao: (little nervous) Um h-hi there?

Arcee: (smile) Whoa this one is female! Look how adorable you are!

Takao: (little nervous) Th-Thank you.

Y/n: (smile) She'll get use to you guys for sure.

Hot Rod: (transform into bot form) Now we have two humans on the team. This is going to be cool.

Ratchet: Yay.

Y/n: Takao these are the Autobots. Bumblebee, Jazz, Sideswipe, Sunstreaker, Arcee and-

Then they felt large steps as they turn around as Optimus prime approaches them leaving Takao shocked seeing how huge he is.

Y/n: The leader of the Autobots, Optimus Prime. Guys, this is Takao, she's goes to my school and apart of the real game creation club.

Hot Rod: (smile) And also his girlfriend.

The two blush while Optimus prime kneel down to Takao while Takao steps back a bit.

Optimus prime: Greetings Takao and welcome to our base.

Takao: (little nervous) Th-Thanks.

Y/n: There are other Autobots here like Hoist, Prowl and Wheeljack that I can introduce to you.

Takao: Wait? Isn't that same Prowl that scared me and my club off when we first met?

Y/n: Yes.

Ratchet Alright we are wasting time. Do you have something you wanted to show us.

Y/n: Oh right the thing, well I've try to find clues of the All Spark and I landed onto something that may seem interesting. In 1915 during World War 1, a group of hikers discovered something that they cannot explain and by the time World War 1 came to the end, the object was taking away. Those people passed away not too long ago but before then they say they discovered a very large cube with writing they couldn't understand.

Jazz: Sounds like the All Spark to me.

Ratchet: Maybe.

Takao: Oh yeah I remember my history class. Our teacher believes the government is hiding something and he would love to talk about "the cube" topic. He wouldn't stop talking until the end of class.

Y/n: (smile) Oh yeah at first I find it boring but now I think he was on to something. He told us his parents use to be apart of the FBI or some secret government organisation but we just thought he was just saying that to give us attention.

Bumblebee: How many of these humans know knowledge about this?

Y/n: Just our teacher but he's not too sure what it was. If that is the All Spark then maybe we can find out where they have take it.

Hot Rod: (smile) Sounds like a plan to me. Say maybe Blaster can hack into the government system and find some leads about it?

Ratchet: Hot Rod he's been searching but nothing have came up what so ever.

Blaster: Think again.

Then Blaster enter the room with Rewind on his shoulder as he tells the group.

Blaster: Check it, there was a Government file called "Project: Life cube" and it describe it to be a cube that brings anything tech like to life.

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