S2E10: The capture of the king

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Knock out: Rise ans shine your highnesses.

Souichirou begins to wake up and when he does wake up he find himself within a metal box like cage with blue energy shield surrounding him as he stood up straight and sees what seems like a massive room where Knock Out is there and after seeing him alive he smirks.

Knock Out: (smirk) Enjoy your nap? Good. Because what are we about to do to you, you never want to wake up ever again.

Souichirou just smirk with confidence with no sign of fear as he stood up straight and tells Knock Out.

Souichirou: (smirk) Do your best. I'm not gonna tell you anything.

Knock Out: (smirk) Whatever you say.

Knock Out leaves the cell just as Jetfire walk up to Knock Out which Knock Out ask.

Knock Out: Where have you been?

Jetfire: Exploring the planet. There is a lot of interesting things this planet have. Wonderful views, amazing cities and-

Knock Out: No need to tell me your vacation. Since now your back keep an eye on this prisoner.

Jetfire: You know I'm not a guard.

Knock Out: Just do your job.

Jetfire: R-Right. What about you?

Knock out: I'll be informing Megatron about our guest. Treat "him" well. He's royalty after all.

Knock Out leaves while Jetfire is curious so he enter the room and is surprised to see a human. Souichirou looks over to see Jetfire as Jetfire bows to show respect.

Jetfire: Greetings. My name is Jetfire.

Souichirou: Huh you respect me?

Jetfire: Of course. If your royalty then we have to show our respect to those who lead their people on this planet.

Souichirou: Well your other friend was not so respectful.

Jetfire: I don't think he never shows respect to anyone. Especially Starscream.

Souichirou: (light chuckle) Your not bad. I suspected all Decepticons to be evil.

Jetfire: We're not evil. That's what the Autobots told you.

Souichirou: What do you mean?

Jetfire: The Autobots trick the humans on earth to believing that we are here to take over the planet but in reality they wanted to take over the planet. We're freedom fighters, fighting to protect this planet from harm.

Souichirou: And who told you this?

Jetfire: Megatron.

Souichirou: I see. I hate to break this to you but he's lying. The Autobots are the good guys, not the Decepticons.

Jetfire: That's not true! Cybertron fell because of the Autobots. It was the reason why the war began.

Souichirou: According to the information I've read. The Decepticons began the war and kill Cybertron.

Jetfire: That's can't be right.

Souichirou: Tell me this, haven't you gone out and see the world?

Jetfire: Yes.

Souichirou: Notice anything that hints that the Autobots is taking over the planet?


Souichirou: Then the Decepticons are the evil. They even attack my children just so they can distract the Autobots while they captured me.

Jetfire: That......That can't be true. Your making things up! I won't listen to any of your lies.

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