S2E6: Dinner party

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At the afternoon we see that Y/n's parents is in a rush to get everything set up for the arrival of the royal family to come and visit. Kaede goes around cleaning up everything around the house including some that is already cleaned and making some foods and put them outside and set them on the table where Hot Rod and Bumblebee sees as they look at each other.

Yuki is seen putting on a suit and trying out different ties all awhile Y/n, Itsuki and Lulu watch them in a panic as Y/n just sighs to himself.

Itsuki: I never see mum and dad acting like this before.

Y/n: That's why I did tell them not to panic.

Yuki: (came to the kitchen) Honey! Which tie that gives more attention! Which one!

Kaede: You wanna talk about ties?! What about what food their kids like! I'm cooking everything as fast as I can and making the house extremely clean.

Y/n: (sigh) Look there is no need to do all of this. He just wanted to bring his family over to meet us and get to know us. Besides Souichirou told me that his family tried to live a normal life so it isn't like their castle is their actual home, they live in a normal neighbours just like us. So how's about we just calm down and take a deep breath.

Yuki: (sigh) Your right son. After all you are friends with alien robots so I guess there is no reason to panic.

Kaede: Yeah we shouldn't act like this. We're sorry.

Y/n: There's no need to apologise mum. Let just act like what we usually do and welcome them into the house. Agree?

Kaede and Yuki: Agree.

Hot Rod and Bumblebee watches this through the sliding window door as Bumblebee turn to Hot Rod and ask.

Bumblebee: I thought the parents are more the wise adults to parents.

Hot Rod: (smirk) Well not always.

Then a ground bridge open behind them as Blaster and Wheeljack walk out as Blaster calls out.

Blaster: Whose ready for a party!

Bumblebee: Party?

Hot Rod: I sorta told Blaster about the visit and told him it looks like a party over here.

Bumblebee: Alright but why are you here Wheeljack?

Wheeljack: Figured I stop by to see the royal family. Must be exciting for a human to get a visit by them.

Bumblebee: Guess so.

Then the door bell rang as we cut back to Y/n as he walks over and opens the door to be greeted with Souichirou and his family. He is surprised how many kids he has but he shakes it off and turn to Souichirou.

Souichirou: (smile) Hi Y/n. You have a nice place you have.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks we love close to my school so it's easy for me to walk there without any trouble. That was until I met Hot Rod.

Souichirou: (smile) Nice.

Y/n allows them inside and once inside Y/n is the first to introduce his family to Souichirou's as he takes them to the living room.

Y/n: This is my parents Yuki my dad and Kaede my mum. This is my brother Itsuki, our pet Lulu and Hot Rod outside.

They all turn as Hot Rod smiles and waves which amazed the a younger brother of the family as Yuki walks over to Souichirou and the two shake hands.

Yuki: I-It is an honour to meet you sire.

Souichirou: (smile) Please call me Souichirou. After all I'm not wearing the crown for once.

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