S1E12: Us vs them

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We find Y/n trapped within a large truck unconscious only to be awaken up by a large bump which cost him to suddenly open his eyes and look around. He sees he find himself at the back of the truck and looks down and see his hands her tied up as he slowly gets up nd look around.

He can feel the truck moving as he approaches the door and ram his shoulder onto the door, trying to get it open but it didn't work.

Y/n: Crap. Where the hell I'm I?

Kazama: Damn I my head.

He quickly spin around and see Kazama, Roka, Chitose, Takao, Minami and Sakura as they all apart of Nimami woke up and soon find themselves at the back of the truck.


Sakura: That or trapped in a truck.


Takao: (scared) What's going on?! Why are we all here?

Chitose: Well this is something.

Y/n: Whatever is going on, it seems like we are takinb somewhere.

Kazama: And where exactly?

Y/n: Not sure.

Y/n: (thought) I would say Decepticons but something isn't right. Hope Hot Rod and the other Autobots is on their way to rescue us.

Suddenly they felt the truck have stopped and hears footsteps coming up the back of the truck. They step back as the sliding door open, nearly blinding them with light as two armed soldiers is revealed as one order them.

Male soldier: Get out of the truck now.

They have weapons so they can no choice but to comply. They leap out of the truck and they realised they are within a military base and at a garage where they store heavily armoured vehicles and trucks.

Kazama: Who are you people?!

Male soldier: All questions will be answered soon enough. Follow us.

They follow the soldiers through the garage and soon onto the hallway as they walk down a long hallway with other soldiers there as Takao is scared but Y/n ensures her with a node that everything will be alright.

Soon they reach a interrogation room as they went inside and once the doors shut they all stood there ad Kazama begins to try to untie the rope.

Takao: What are you doing?

Kazama: Escaping what does it look like? By the team those soldiers come back, we'll be dead.

Takao: But if you escape they might kill you!

Kazama: It's a risk I have to take.

Y/n: Look its dangerous. Whatever is going on I'm sure it might be a mistake. If you do escape then we'll be more guilty then anything.

Kazama: Don't care.

Before he could succeed the doors open and two male agents enter and walk around and sat across from them as Kazama immediately stop when they first came in.

???: I'm sure you know the reason why we captured you all?

Y/n: Look whatever is going on we didn't do anything. We're just students.

Kazama: (slammed the table) Yeah! You got the wrong people you idiots! How's about you ket us go!

Roka: Well we're toast.

???: Don't lie to us kid. We know everything about you and know something that you all may know.

Kazama: What the fact I join a club, is that it? I knew I shouldn't joined.

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