Authors note

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Hi readers! I just wanted to say thank you for all the love and support. This has been my most successful book and I am very grateful. Sadly, this book is over. I thought I should clarify a few things.

Michelle actually did love Peter otherwise the kiss wouldn't have woken her up. She was just very upset with Peter.

I planned on killing her a while back because I wanted to tie this story into OUAT.

Clarion isn't in OUAT so I killed her off also. I probably should've included this in the story, but now the blue fairy is the leader of the surviving fairies.

I really hope everything in this book made sense. If not, please ask questions either in my inbox on wattpad or comment.

I would also like to say thank you for all the comments. They always manage to put a smile on my face. =)

I have other books you guys can check out. I have an idea for a new one that I may not post until later so I can at least get the plot rolling on the book I'm working on now. can you guys please check out my Jack Frost fanfic? Comments and votes will motivate me to continue it.

Please continue to suggest this book to your friends if you enjoyed it. I would greatly appreciate it.


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