Chapter 6

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I finished eating my food.
"Where should I put this?" I asked, lifting up my plate.
"In that bucket."
I walked over to put my plate in the bucket. I walked back over to him.
"Where can I bathe?"
"Follow me."
I followed behind him to a creek.
"Thanks" I said.
He nodded his head. He just stood there staring.
"Um, Peter?"
"Hm?" He raised an eyebrow.
"Oh yeah" he chuckled and walked towards the direction of the camp.

When he was out of sight, I took off my shirt. I looked at my recent cuts, it was scabbed up. I took off the rest of my clothes and wished for a wash cloth and soap. I bathed, then swam around a bit. I wished for a towel and I wrapped it around me as soon as I got out.

I wished for some medicine and rubbed it on the scabs. When it leaves a scar, I can just wish for another medicine creme to get rid of them.

I dried off and put on my new pajamas, a long t-shirt and some shorts. I walked towards the camp, the fire was still going. Everyone was gone except Peter. He was sitting on a log next to the pit, staring at the flames, lost in thought.

"You okay?" I asked him.
He looked up and smiled.
"Yeah, just thinking"
"Oh, well goodnight."

I walked towards my tent. I put my clothes in a hamper. I put my toiletries in a drawer. I hopped into bed and went straight to sleep.

She flipped her blonde hair onto my desk, covering my papers. "Excuse me." I brushed her hair off my desk. She turned around quickly.
"Don't touch my hair!"
"It was on my desk," I explained.
"So? You could have a disease and I don't want to catch it"
"I don't have a disease"
"Well you look dirty," by her look and tone, I knew she was referring to my brown skin.
"I'm black, not dirty."
"Whatever," she rolled her eyes and turned back around in her seat.

She flipped her hair back again, this time slapping me in the face.
"You just slapped me with your hair."
"And I care because?"
"Because I don't like being slapped by your hair," my patience was running thin.
"You're just jealous of my long hair"
I'm not sure where she pulled that bullshit from.

"I'm not"
"It's better than your naps"
"I don't have naps, my hair is curly." I kept my composure calm, despite the ignorant, racist bitch in front of me.
"All black people have naps"
"Why are you so racist?"
"Why are you so dark?"
"What are you talking about? I'm light skinned."
"You're darker than me"
"Because you're white!"
"Michelle, be quiet" said the teacher.
"Yeah Michelle, be a quiet, nappy headed, ugly, stupid, nigger"
She turned around purposely slapping my face with her hair again. I had enough, I grabbed my scissors and all her hair into a ponytail. I cut it off.

I let go of her hair and it fell on my desk, I brushed it off. She felt her head and screamed. She turned to look at me with hatred burning in her eyes. I just laughed in her face and that was the day I became enemies with Cynthia.


"Wake up, lazy bum!"
My eyes shot open, they met a familiar green pair of eyes and a smile that belonged to Peter Pan.
"Ughhhhh"I mumbled.
"Nice to see you too," he said in sarcastic tone.
I sat up and hung my feet over the edge of the bed. I yawned and stretched, making a strange groaning, screaming sound in the process. I stepped down.
"Get out so I can change."
"Or I can stay and watch you," he offered suggestively.
I glared at him.
"I was kidding, I gotta make breakfast anyway." He chuckled and walked out the tent.

It was kinda hot today so I wore shorts, a tank top, and sneakers. I rubbed some more medicine on my scabbed wrist. It was getting better. I put on a few rubber bracelets to cover the scars. They were comfortable and it was normal to be seen with them on. They would just think it's a girl thing.

I put on some lotion, because I was ASHY. I walked outside and the sun was peeking through the leaves of the trees. I could smell the food Peter is supposedly cooking.

No one else was out yet so it was just me and him.
"Smells good, where's everyone else?"
"They left about an hour ago."
"I was sleep that long?"
"Yeah, but it's your first day. You'll be on schedule soon."

I grabbed a plate from him.
"So, what am I suppose to do?"
"I don't know, what do you want to do?"
"After we eat, can you teach me archery?"
"We'll have to wait till the boys get back. We all need to practice."
"Okay, can you give me a tour of the island."
"Sounds like a plan."

We finished our food and talked a little before we left. we walked along a trail. there were so many beautiful flowers and plants. Peter plucked a yellow flower out the ground and handed it to me.
I smiled. "thank you."
I stared at it, spinning it between my fingers.
"No problem."
We were walking close to eachother. I didn't mind it though. I've gotten used to him being there.

"So, where are we going?"
"You'll see when we get there."
"Fine," I said, a bit annoyed with his response. I stuck the flower in my hair.
"We're here."
We stopped in front of a tree. It was beautiful. It was big and tall. Its leaves were a healthy green.
"Come on," he said climbing the tree.
"I've never climbed a tree before," I admitted.
"It's easy and fun, try it."

I looked up hesitantly. I followed Peter and copied his every move. We eventually got to the top. He sat away from the trunk on the branch. I stayed close to the trunk, afraid of falling. I looked down, we were high up.
"Oh my God, I'm going to die."
"No, you're not."
"How do you get down from here?"
"Stop worrying and look at the view," he nodded his head in the direction he was referring to.

I took his advice and I was amazed by the view. We were above all the trees around us. You could see the shape of the island. Surrounding it was the ocean. It was still the same turquoise, blue I saw yesterday, still beautiful. The sun was high up in the sky, I guess it was around the time I got here yesterday, noon. We sat there for an hour talking, laughing, and joking around.

I wish moments like this, full of happiness and contentment, could last forever.
"We should head back, the boys should be back by now," said Peter.
"Okay, but how do I get down," I asked.
"Here, get on my back."
I assumed he was going to climb down with me on his back, so I got on. He jumped off the branch. We were falling towards the ground. I hate him. I hate him so much. This is what I get for trusting a stranger with my life. I shut my eyes waiting in anticipation. 

Moments passed. We should've hit the ground by now. I opened my eyes and we're in the air.

"Oh my God! We're going to die! I'm going to die! I'm going to plummet to my death!"
"Yes, were both going to die if you don't stop choking me!"
"Oops," I said, loosening my grip around his neck. I looked around cassually.

"So you can fly and have magic powers?"
"You could fly too, but I'll teach you later."
I looked out at the view. The wind was blowing through my hair, I smiled.

Peter pan's lost girlWhere stories live. Discover now