Chapter 10

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Since a few people requested this...
Trigger Warning

He finished burying my body, except my head and arms. he shaped the sand into a mermaid. I wished for a digital camera and handed it to him.
"Here, take a picture."
He grabbed it and focused it. I posed, putting my hands on my sand hips. I smiled. the camera clicked. Then he got down next to me and we took a selfie together. he handed me the camera. I looked at the first picture. it was very pretty. then I clicked to the picture with both of us in it. awe, it was so cute. I stared at the picture for a minute.

He chuckled. "you done?"
I looked up at him "oh, yeah. help me get out of this." I said trying to get up, but the sand was holding me down. He laughed at me struggling.
"Fine" he said taking the sand off of me. when he was done I stood up, sand was sticking to my body. I walked towards the water to wash it off, so did peter.
"So what do you want to do next."
I looked back at the camera.
"Can we go back to the tree."
"Yeah, sure."
I got out the water and put my clothes back on and we both started walking towards the tree. I took a quick picture of it. Once we got there, I decided to climb the tree again, it was fun.

I took a picture of the scene, perfect. We sat there a moment to rest.
"So what else do you like to do?" he asked me.
"Umm...i like to draw."
He snapped his fingers. A stack of paper and a pencil were in his hands.
"Here, draw me" he said handing me the supplies. I smiled. "sure."
I was about to start when something occurred to me.
"Wait do you want to pose for two hours straight?"

I took a picture of him and the sunset behind him.
"Okay, I can draw it by looking at the picture. instead of you sitting there for two hours."
It was silent so I took out my phone. I put in one earphone, just in case he starts talking. I started listening to music.
"What are you listening to?" he asked scooting over closer to me.
"Can I listen too?"
"Yeah." I handed him the other earphone.
We listened to two songs. He took the earphones out the phone and out both our ears.Then he grabbed the phone a choose the next song. "so close" by Jon McLaughlin started to play. He grabbed my hand and pulled me off the branch. thank god, I remembered I could fly or I would've been falling again.

"What are you doing?"
"We're about to dance" he said smiling.
I tried pulling away. "I can't dance."
he pulled me closer. "I can teach you."
He grabbed my right hand and held it out. he grabbed my left hand and placed it on his shoulder.
"Your hands go here."
He placed his other hand on my lower back.
"Follow me."
We started stepping around in circles in the air. once I got the hang of it I stopped staring at his foot movements and stared up at him. it was night, the light of the moon lit up his face.

He tried spinning me around a few times.we were laughing. The music stopped playing, the crickets were our music now. We were dancing for ten minutes to the cricket's song, my arms were tired. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling us closer. he spun me around once more and dipped me. I giggled and smiled. he was smiling back and we stayed in that position for a minute staring into each other's eyes. Then Peter started to lean down... To kiss me!

I pulled away. He looked heart broken. I put on a weak smile, "it's late, we should go back to camp." I flew back over to my phone. I put the paper, pencils, and camera in my bag. We both started flying back towards camp. We were silent the whole way back.

My mind was blank. Once I was in my tent all the thoughts started shooting at me.

Why didn't you kiss him? I thought you want to kiss him? Another thing you'll regret... Why do you want to kiss him? I know why, you like him.
I can't like him.
You know you like him. You're just afraid.
Why would I be afraid?
You know why...

The voice went silent in my head. I knew exactly why I didn't kiss him. I was stressing and there's only one way I know how to cope with it. I looked in my bag that I brought with me, then I found it.

I held the knife to my now, scar free wrist. Which reminded me of pan healing it. My vision was blurred from the tears coming out my eyes.

You know exactly why you're denying it. You think that if you deny it long enough you'll start to believe it. Liking turns into loving. Your mom, your dad, tommy. Remember them? Everyone you love LEAVES YOU.

I collapsed on the ground, crouched in a ball. I dropped the knife beside me. I looked at my wrist, it was bleeding. I started pulling my hair. I couldn't keep it in anymore. I was yelling. Tears were rushing out of my eyes. I was shaking uncontrollably.

Why are you still sitting there? Just do it. Why do you always back out of it? Kill yourself. No one will miss you. What's holding you back?

"You don't have a cat do you?"
Said someone snapping me out of thought. I turned around to see the person I really didn't want to see, Peter.
"I don't want to talk about it"
"this isn't something I can just ignore! Tell me!"
"Why do you want to know? It's not like you care!"
He went silent.
"Do you like butterflies"

I was confused.
"Do you like butterflies?"
"Yeah, I guess"
He walked towards me. He grabbed my wrist and healed it, he let go and it was as if the blade of the knife never touched my skin. He made a black marker appear in his hand.
"Think of someone you really care about"
He said as he drew a butterfly.
"Thought of someone?"
I nodded my head, slowly. He lifted up my wrist to show me the butterfly, he drew.
"This is the person you care about. If you cut it, you kill them. You can't wash it off, you have to wait for it to fade away. If you really care about them you wouldn't hurt them, right?"
I nodded my head, silently.

He put the marker on my dresser as he walked towards the exit. He stopped right in front of it.
"And so that you know, I actually do care." With that he walked out.

I walked over to my bed and sat down. I have to get away from him.


It was the middle of the night, everyone was asleep. I picked up the bag I packed earlier. I walked as silent as I could. The fire was put out. The only thing lighting my path was the moon. When I was out of a hearing distance, I started to run. I guess I was 5 miles away from the camp before I stopped. I looked up and found a hole in a tree. I climbed up to get a better look. It looked abandoned and it had enough space in it for me to sleep in. I closed my eyes. If I never see Pan again, I would forget about him.

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